
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicAnimation.


Inherits: Node

Class that can be used to animate portraits. Can be extended to create animations.



voidanimate ( )
voidfinished_one_loop ( )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
Stringget_modulation_property ( )


const IN = 1

No description available.

const OUT = 2

No description available.

const ACTION = 3

No description available.

const CROSSFADE = 4

No description available.


signal finished_once ( )

No description available.

signal finished ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var node

Set at runtime, will be the node to animate.

var time

Set at runtime, will be the length of the animation.

var base_position

Set at runtime, will be the base position of the node. Depending on the animation, this might be the start, end or both.

var base_scale

Set at runtime, will be the base scale of the node.

var repeats

Used to repeate the animation for a number of times.

var is_reversed = false

If true, the animation will be reversed. This must be implemented by each animation or it will have no effect.

Method Descriptions

func animate ( ) ⇒ void

To be overridden. Do the actual animating/tweening in here. Use the properties node, time, base_position, etc.

func finished_one_loop ( ) ⇒ void

This method controls whether to repeat the animation or not. Animations must call this once they finished an animation.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_modulation_property ( ) ⇒ String

If the animation wants to change the modulation, this method will return the property to change. The CanvasGroup can use self_modulate instead of modulate to uniformly change the modulation of all children without additively overlaying the modulations.