Introduction to Dialogic 2


This documentation is for Dialogic 2.

Dialogic 2 is still in-development and marked as Alpha, there may be workflow breakage!

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What is Dialogic 2?

The Dialogic plugin allows you to easily create in-game dialogs or fully fledged Visual Novels with Godot.

Let's get an overview of what Dialogic 2 can do for you!

1. Timelines!

They control the flow of your story. They can be edited in a writer-friendly Visual Editor or your editor of choice.

Dialogic 2: Timeline in Visual Mode

If you prefer to write your timelines as pure text, you can do that too! Dialogic even has a powerful text editor with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. You can use any text editor, though. Here is the same timeline in text format:

join juliet 1
juliet: Oh Romeo, what's your favourite game type?
join romeo 2
romeo: Oh Juliet, it's simple...
- Visual Novels
    jump VNs
    jump other_timeline

No threads attached; you can mix and match as you please!

2. Events

Each timeline contains events, and Dialogic equips you with many built-in ones to get your story started today! And when you reach their limit, you can easily create more.

Dialogic 2: Built-In Timeline Events

3. Customization by design

Cannot find the right Event? Need more options for your character portraits? You want to simplify how your designer can adjust the theme of your game?

It's all here and ready for you. Dialogic 2 is easy to use for writers and powerful but intuitive to extend for programmers.

Create your own specific Events with very little code, and your designers can instantly use them as if they were part of Dialogic.

4. Character system and editor

An entire system to create and manage your characters, with a built-in editor inside Dialogic. No need to program anything; just create your characters and use them in your timelines.

There is more!

We are just scratching the surface of what's possible.
Here is a small list of other things you can do:

How do I get started?

First, let's get Dialogic up and running! After this step, the numerous pages on the left-side navigation bar will aid you with your dialog-driven game adventure!

Need further details? Try the search or open an issue on the GitHub repository!

Can I upgrade from Dialogic 1 to Dialogic 2?

There are several problems to overcome when upgrading from Dialogic 1.

First, Dialogic 1 is exclusively for Godot 3, while Dialogic 2 requires Godot 4.1 or higher. Hence, your project must work in Godot 4.1, it's a very different engine with plenty of changes.

If you have already made a lot of progress in your game, there is no reason to upgrade. We recommend you stick to Godot 3 and Dialogic 1.

Getting Started

This tutorial teaches you how to install Dialogic and gives a quick overview of the necessary elements you need to know for making a dialog appear in your game.

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1. Installation & Activation

Dialogic 2 requires Godot 4.2 or higher. If you don't know what version you have installed, take a look at the bottom of your Godot Editor.

Let's install Dialogic 2:

  • Download the ZIP file here for your desired Dialogic version: GitHub Dialogic Releases.
  • Extract the addons folder from this ZIP-file, it contains Dialogic.
  • Move the addons folder to your Dialogic project folder.

Now, let's verify you have correctly installed Dialogic:

  • You have this folder path res://addons/dialogic
  • Head to Project > Project Settings
  • Click the Plugins tab.
  • Tick the enabled button next to Dialogic.
  • Restart Godot

🚧 How to install the latest WIP Version 🚧


Dialogic is constantly evolving. Oftentimes, fixes for bugs or new features might only be available on the main branch. This is especially true during the alpha and beta phases. If you are interested in using the main branch, it's easy to do so. Go to the main page of the repository and click on the green Code button, then press the Download ZIP button. From there, you can install that ZIP's content like a release.

2. Meeting the editor

You can now access the dialogic interface by clicking the new tab at the very top (next to 2D, 3D, Script and AssetLib).


You will be greeted by the dialogic home screen. At the top you can see the different editors dialogic has, at the left a sidebar that will contain recently used characters and timelines.

In the top right, there are some helpful buttons:

  • Add Timeline
  • Add Character
  • Reference Manager
  • Play Timeline

We will start by using the first one.

3. Creating a timeline

To create a timeline, press the Add Timeline button. You will need to select a folder to put the timeline in and enter a file name. Timelines will be saved as *.dtl files.

Once you hit Save, you can start adding events from the panel to the right of the editor.

Tip: You can learn more about each event and its settings by right-clicking on the event and selecting Documentation.

If you like, you can switch to the text editor by clicking on the Text Editor button at the top right. You can find out more about writing timelines in text format here: Writing timelines in text format.

You can test the timeline by clicking the Play Timeline button at the top right.

4. Creating a character

To create a new character, press the Add Character button at the top right.

As for timelines, you need to select the place to save to and a name.


This name (without .dch) is what will be saved whenever you use that character in a timeline and what you will have to write when referencing the character (e.g. Emilio: This is a text event., if the file is named Emilio.dch). So make sure to give it a good name.

You can change the name that will actually be displayed in game as the display_name property.

Once your character is created, you will see the character editor. This editor has four main sections.

You can learn more about portraits, custom portraits, and the character settings in this tutorial: Characters & Portraits

5. Adding dialog to your game

The last important step is to actually have your dialog show up in your game.

For that, we need two things:

  • A) to have nodes that can display our timeline
  • B) to start the execution of the timeline.

Luckily for us, Dialogic provides a method that does both of those: Dialogic.start(timeline_name_or_path)

So the code to start your dialog when an input is pressed could look like this:

func _input(event: InputEvent):
    # check if a dialog is already running
    if Dialogic.current_timeline != null:

    if event is InputEventKey and event.keycode == KEY_ENTER and event.pressed:

You have got started!

Congratulations! You now know the basics of Dialogic. There is much more to learn, though. Here is a list of tutorials you might want to explore next:

Frequently Asked Questions

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May I use Dialogic in one of my projects?

Yes, you may use Dialogic to make any kind of game - even commercial ones! The project is developed under the MIT License. All we ask is that you please remember to credit us in your project!

If you want to be featured on the "Made with Dialogic"-page, get in touch with us on Emilio's Discord server!

How can I change the input?

Dialogic uses a Godot InputAction for the so-called "Input Action". By default, this is the dialogic_default_action which is automatically created when enabling the plugin. You can either edit this action or use a different input action by changing the setting in the dialogic settings Text section.

How to make the dialog show up in the game?

The easiest way to make the dialog appear in your game is to call Dialogic.start("res://path/to/timeline.dtl") in your game. This will both create a layout scene and start the timeline.

Why are my portraits not showing up?

When using the Visual Novel layout, to make the characters show up on the screen, you need to make them join your current scene using the Character event (Join mode).

Why isn't this part of Godot?

The plugin is cool! Why is it not shipped with Godot?

I see numerous people saying that the plugin should come with Godot, but I believe this should stay as a plugin since most of the people making games won't be using it. I'm flattered by your comments, but this will remain a plugin :)

How do I start and stop background music?

Use a Music event to set a resource and then cancel it with a Music event with no resource.


This example will fade in the music over 4 seconds and then fade it out over 5 seconds.

How do I find the current speaker or its portrait index?

The following snippet will give you the current speaker and its portrait information, including the index.

var current_speaker: DialogicCharacter = Dialogic.Text.get_current_speaker()
var portrait_info := Dialogic.Portraits.get_character_info(current_speaker)
var speaker_portrait_index := portrait_info.position_index

How can I find the name of the current timeline?

Timelines have no name, they are pure text.
However, you can access the resource path:

var timeline_path := Dialogic.current_timeline.resource_path

I cannot see or press my buttons?

You might have UI elements that you want to appear on top of a dialog that is playing, but they can't be clicked or are hidden behind the background. In that case these nodes should be in a Canvas Layer with a higher index! Learn about using canvas layers here: Godot Docs about Canvas Layers

My input action to start dialog conflicts with the advancing input action

Many people start their dialog with some kind of "interaction" key, which can be the same as the Dialogic Input Action (e.g. Enter or X, etc.). In that case it can happen that a new dialog starts whenever you want to advance or on the last input of the dialog. It's easy to solve these issues with simple checks in your code, for example:

func _input(event):
    if player_is_in_area and Input.is_action_pressed("start_interaction"):
         # Only start a new dialog if no dialog is currently active
         if Dialogic.current_timeline == null:

I change the timeline text, but the game shows old text?

If you have enabled translation, you will have to update the CSVs.
Once your timeline events have translation IDs, matching CSV rows will take priority.
Disabling the translation until you are done with most of the text is recommended.

How do I hide and show the text-box?

The following code allows you to check if the text box is visible and then act based on its state.

if Dialogic.Text.is_textbox_visible():

I encounter a small lag or freeze when starting the dialogue!

Preloading a style can be very useful using its prepare method.
This can be called on all styles you will need during the splash screen of your game.

var style: DialogicStyle = load("res://path/to/my/style.tres")

On top of this, you can preload an empty timeline during your loading segment of your game.

Last, be aware that Godot's shader compiler runs on demand; whenever new shaders need to be loaded in a style (or any resource), it will compile, causing a freeze.
Hence, it's recommended to compile these ahead of time if you run into problems still.

How to transition from dialog to gameplay?

When your dialog ends and you want to switch to a different context (e.g. gameplay) you will have to decide how to deal with the current dialog layout. In Settings/General you will find the Layout Node Behaviour setting, which you can switch between Delete, Hide and Keep.

If you plan to have a transition that is managed outside of dialogic, you might have to use Hide and then manually show it again and hide it later. E.g.:

func _on_dialogic_timeline_ended() -> void:
    var layout := Dialogic.Styles.get_layout_node()
    # do my transiton
    await transtion_finished

Or you trigger the transition from within the timeline, so that the timeline only ends once the transition asks for it. Then you can use the Hide or Delete modes. Here is an example scene transition code snippet (on an autoload), that is then called from the timeline:

func change_scene(scene_path: String):
    await Transition.fade_out_completed


Character & Portraits

The character editor allows you to edit character resources (.dch). It has four sections.

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1. Main Settings

The character resource has a number of settings:

1.1 General

  • Display Name:   This string will be shown on the name label. Notably this can be a variable if you want the display name to change during the game. Just put the variable name in curly brackets.

  • Nicknames:   These strings (comma separated) will also be considered for the Autocolor names option (in the text settings).

  • Description:   Does nothing. Could help you remember what this character was for.

1.2 Portraits

  • Default Portrait:   The portrait that will be used if none is specified (for Character event Join mode or text effect [portrait]). This does not affect Text events without a portrait specified! In that case, there will be no change.

  • Portrait Settings:   Scale, offset and mirror settings that will be applied to all portraits. Note that scale, offset and mirror can also be set individually per portrait.

1.3 Style

  • Style:   If you set a custom style, it will be used whenever this character is speaking. As this can result in rapid style changes, we suggest using the same layout for variations like this.

1.4 Typing Sounds

  • Sound Moods:   A sound mood is a folder of sounds, and a random one is played for each letter these characters say. You can have different sound moods for different portraits.

1.5 Text Prefix & Suffix

Applying specific text segments before and after a spoken text by the character allows you to add quotation marks or rich tags. If you issue the player multiple times to advance within a single Text Event, each message part will appear with Prefix and Suffix.

  • Prefix: Text that appears before character text via the Text Event.

  • Suffix: Text that appears after character text via the Text Event.


Custom tags do not make rich tags work automatically.

Your Dialogic Style is responsible to support Rich Tags in the Text Box. By default, Dialogic's own Style Layers support Rich Tags in the Text Box.


2. Portrait list

The portrait list allows you to add portraits to your character. A portrait is a scene that will be instanced and moved around by Dialogic when you use the Character event.

A character can have unlimited portraits, but each has to have a unique name.

  1. Add a new portrait
  2. Add a new portrait group
  3. Import a folder of images as portraits
  4. Rename a portrait or group (or double-click or use F2)
  5. Duplicate a portrait
  6. Delete a portrait or group (or Delete key)


Note: Groups are not actually saved. This means empty groups will get lost when leaving the editor.

3. Preview

The preview shows the selected portrait (or nothing, if you don't have a portrait). You can switch between a Full view that will size the character so it's fully visible and a Real size view that shows the character at full scale.

4. Portrait settings

The portrait section consists of multiple sections, each containing settings for the currently selected portrait.

The most important setting is the scene a portrait uses. The default scene allows you to select an image. However, you can also use the Layered Portrait scene.

Learn more about how to create a custom portrait here: Custom portraits

For any portrait, you can set a scale, offset and mirror setting. These are additive to the main scale, offset and mirror. You can choose to ignore the main character scale to work around this.

When you use a custom portrait, you can override its exported variables here.

Custom Portraits

This page describes when and how to create a custom scene to use for one, multiple, or all portraits in your game.

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1. Introduction

Oftentimes, you want something more complex than a simple image: an animated image (e.g., AnimatedSprite), a rigged and animated character, a character with a single body but many face variations, or something entirely different.

To achieve these, you will have to create a custom portrait scene.

If you want to use a layered portrait, take a look here: Layered Portrait

One scene can be used for one or multiple portraits. If a scene is used for multiple portraits, switching between them will not re-instance the scene and only call _update_portrait(portrait_name) on that scene (see more below). This allows you to even animate from one portrait to the next.

2. Requirements

There are not many requirements for portrait scenes:

  • Root needs to be Node2D or Control: The root nodes need a position and scale property, so they must be a Node2D or Control node (or a subclass). Because the root will act as the "pivot point," it's suggested to use a simple node like Marker2D and have all functional nodes (like sprites, animation players etc.) be children of it.
  • Root script extends DialogicPortrait: The root node script should extend the DialogicPortrait class and overwrite some of its methods.

3. Overwriting methods

You can customize the behavior by adding a script to the root node and adding specific methods to it.

Like _ready or _process these will be called automatically by dialogic when needed, and if implemented:

  • _update_portrait(character: DialogicCharacter, portrait_name: String) -> void
    This method is called when the portrait is instanced and when a change to another portrait using the same scene is performed. For example, you could play a specific animation in an AnimatedSprite based on the portrait name or show a specific image.

  • _set_mirror(is_mirrored: bool) -> void
    Different scenes might want to mirror differently (AnimationSprite.flip_h; self.scale.x = -1, etc.). Thus, you will have to implement this functionality yourself.

  • _get_covered_rect() -> Rect2:
    This is used for correctly sizing your scene, as it's mostly impossible to know the size of your portrait. If you implement this and return a rect2 that covers your portrait (relative to the root node's position), the portrait_containers size modes and the character editors Full View will work.

  • _set_extra_data(data: String) -> void
    The Character event Join/Update mode allows specifying some extra information in the text editor. If this extra information is provided, this method will be called. This can be very useful to enable certain things. For example, your character could have different modes or items. Using CustomPortraitFaceAtlas under addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Portraits as an example, to show the character's alien you can use a Character Update event: update Character [extra_data="alien"].

  • _should_do_portrait_update(character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String) -> bool
    Rarely needed, but if overridden, this will be checked if the portrait change is performed to a portrait with the same scene. If you return false, then this instance will be deleted and a new instance will be made. If not implemented, this defaults to true, meaning this instance will be used for the portrait update too.

  • _highlight() -> void
    Invoked when the character becomes the active speaker.

  • _unhighlight() -> void
    Invoked when the character is no longer the active speaker, e.g., another character started talking.

4. Export overrides

If you add exported variables to your scene's script, you can change their values in the portrait settings in the character editor. This allows you to change these values for different portraits that use the same scene.

@export_file var image := ""
@export var modulation := Color.WHITE

This will add an image and modulation setting to all portraits using this scene.

If you define an export group called Main all the settings in it will be displayed above the others (which are grouped under Settings):

Portrait Settings

5. Tips and Tricks

In most portraits, you should call apply_character_and_portrait() the first thing in your _update_portrait() method. This method simply sets the character and portrait and will switch the portrait string to the default portrait if the portrait is not valid.

func _update_portrait(passed_character:DialogicCharacter, passed_portrait:String) -> void:
    apply_character_and_portrait(passed_character, passed_portrait)

Simple image-based scenes (that use Sprite or TextureRect) can use the apply_texture method, which takes the displaying node and an image path. If you do so, the portrait class will also automatically handle _get_covered_rect() and _set_mirror() for you.

func _update_portrait(passed_character:DialogicCharacter, passed_portrait:String) -> void:
    apply_character_and_portrait(passed_character, passed_portrait)
    # $Portrait is a TextureRect or Sprite
    # image is an exported string
    apply_texture($Portrait, image)

6. Examples

Besides the DefaultPortrait scene (in addons/dialogic/Other) there are some example scenes in addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Portraits, that implements some or all of these methods to achieve different effects.

Take a look at them if you feel unsure how to implement a valid portrait scene!

Layered Portraits

This page describes how to create and use layered portrait scenes.

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1. Introduction

If you want to have a character with multiple layers, like a body, a head, and a mouth, you can use the custom Layered Portrait scene. This scene allows creating a character from many sprites and then allows showing, hiding and switching between these sprites from the timeline!

If you are eager to learn more about how dialogic uses scenes to create portraits and the requirements for creating a custom portrait, please refer to the Custom Portraits page.

2. Rundown

First, you will learn how to create a new layered portrait scene and set it up correctly.

Finally, you will learn how to control the layers of the portrait using the timeline.

2.1. Preparation

I will use a character named Agustina, if you want to follow along, you can download the assets from

Heads up: The character is available as a PSD file; you will have to pick the layers and export them as image files.

You will also have to have a character. You can use an existing one or create a new one for this. On that character (in the Character Editor) add or select a portrait.

3. Creating the Base Layered Portrait Scene

In the Character Editors "Portrait Settings" section, head to the Scene section.

Portrait Setting Scene Empty

Click the little arrows icon to change the portrait scene.

In the popup that opens select the Layered Portrait and then click Customize This Scene.

Custom Portrait Selection Popup

This will promt you to save the new scene somewhere in the file system. Navigate to a place that makes sense in your file oranization and adjust the file name if necessary. Then click Save.

You can now open this scene with the little arrow icon button (or from the file system).

Portrait Setting Scene Set

4. Filling the scene

At the beginning the scene will have only a few nodes to get you started:

You will usually have a "Base" layer, which should be the first Sprite we add. So we select the first Sprite, rename it to "Base", and drag our base texture into the inspectors Texture property.

For anything you have "variations" of, in this case for example the Eyes, Eyebrows, Mouths and Clothes, you'll want to have a "Group", like the one that is already in the scene. A group will later allow us to easily switch between these variations.

By adding more Groups (Node2D) and Sprites (Sprite2D), naming them properly (we will use these later) and setting the textures, we will get something like this:

Note: The Sprites of the Augustina example all fill the same rectangle. This means they are automatically all correctly positioned on top of each other. If your sprites cover different regions of the character, you might have to manually move them to be positioned correctly.

Save the scene and head back to the character editor. If everything went right, you should now see your scene there:


5. Controlling the Layers from the timeline

You can control these layers from the character event (when joining or updating). Any communication with the portrait scene happens via the extra_data parameter, for example like this:

join Agustina center [extra_data="set Mouth/Happy"]
update Agustina [extra_data="set Eyes/Wink, set Mouth/Laugh, set Clothes/Outfit2"]

In the visual editor you can use the same commands in the "Extra Data" field:

You can also control these layers using Text Effects.

5.1. Layer Command Syntax

Here is a list of valid commands you can use in the extra_data parameter:

# Show an entire group:
show Group1

# Show a layer, does not hide others:
show Group1/Layer1

# Hide a group:
hide Group1

# Hide a layer:
hide Group1/Layer1

# Show only one layer and hide the others:
set Group1/Layer1

If you want to use multiple commands in one extra_data parameter, you can separate them with a comma:

update agustina [extra_data="show Glasses/Normal, set Emote/Shock"]

6. FAQ

6.1. My Portrait's Position is wrong

The layered portrait calculate the combined size of all the layers. If your layers have different sizes/positions, make sure no layer extends further then needed. Try enabling all of your layers and select all nodes, you will be able to see all boundaries in the editor window of your scene.

By default the Layered Portraits scripts fix_offset parameter (in the inspector under Layered Portrait/Private/fix_offset) is on. This will adjust the position based on the first sprite on the assumption that it will be the base sprite. For many portraits that makes it easier, but for more granular control you can turn it off. In that case your sprites should be positioned so that the top-left corner of your character is at the scene origin!

6.2 Do I have to use CanvasGroup as Root Node?

No, but it's the best at handling transitions.

Styles & Layouts

This page is all about how dialogic can display timelines in your game using Styles, Layouts and Dialogic Nodes.

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1. Introduction

One important aspect of Dialogic is how it allows you to display your timelines. To achieve this, there are a number of systems working together: Dialogic Nodes, Layout Scenes and Styles.

Dialogic Nodes are nodes that can be placed in any scene. These nodes will be activated by dialogic and do wildly different things, from displaying text, labels or choices to playing sounds or defining a clickable area.

Layout Scenes are scenes that contain both Dialogic Nodes, other Godot Control nodes, and custom scripts and provide a standalone UI-part. For example, there is a VisualNovel Textbox Scene, a Glossary Popup Scene or a Centered Choices Scene.

Dialogic Styles are a resource that holds a combination of layout scenes and allows for setting them. This is the easiest way to modify the look of Dialogic, as styles can be edited in Dialogic's Style Editor.

2. Working with styles

You can find a video walkthrough of Dialogic styles here: Dialogic 2 - New Style System - YouTube

A style is made up of:

  • One Base layout scene (of type DialogicLayoutBase) and settings for that scene.

  • A list of Layer layout scenes (of type DialogicLayoutLayer) and settings for each layer.

In the style editor, you can

  • Add new styles (either starting empty or from a premade style)

  • Rename Styles

Add, replace, or remove layers (both premade scenes and custom scenes)

  • Set all kinds of settings on any of the scenes that are part of that style

  • Make one of the premade layers or a whole style custom

  • Make an inherited style from another style (inherits scenes and default settings)

  • Change the default style

2.1 Using styles in game

You can switch between different styles with the Change Style event, by calling Dialogic.Styles.load_style() before calling Dialogic.start(), or by assigning a style to a character.

3. Custom Styles & Layouts

You can customize all parts of this "Displaying" part of Dialogic.

3.1 Custom styles

The simplest is creating a custom style by combining different layers and changing their settings.

3.2 Custom Layout Scenes

The next step would be to customize part of your layout (one of the scenes) beyond what's possible with the provided settings.

An easy way to do this is to use the "Make Custom" button above the layer list and select "Current Layer".
This will create a copy of that layer's scene, which you can edit in Godot. This is what you would do if you generally like, e.g., the text box, but would like to change something about it that's impossible with just the settings.


When editing a layout that's been made custom, be careful which sub-resources (e.g. scripts, fonts, images, etc.) might still be inside the addons/dialogic folder.
If you modify these the changes might be lost when updating dialogic.
I recommend making any sub-resource "unique" before modifying it.
Some, like the scenes root-script however are usually made custom automatically when using "Make Custom".

Alternatively, you can start a custom layout scene from scratch.

  • Your scene's root node has to have a script that extends from either DialogicLayoutBase or DialogicLayoutLayer depending on your use-case.

  • In your scene root script, you can export variables, which will appear as settings in Dialogic's style editor. Grouping them with @export_group and @export_subgroup makes it even nicer. Note that not all types are supported here.

  • If you want to utilize Dialogic's style system, then you should apply any @exported settings in a method called _apply_export_overrides() which is called whenever the style changes.

You can add your custom scene effortlessly by either using Add Layer or Replace Layer above the layer list.

3.3 Custom nodes

While Dialogic's modules usually expect the nodes that display them to be made in a certain way, that doesn't prevent you from actually customizing the nodes themselves. Each dialogic node is just a normal control node with a script attached to it. Usually, dialogic nodes interact with dialogic subsystems through a group they add themselves to.

Note that in most cases, reacting to some Dialogic signals (or signals of existing dialogic nodes) can be way easier than creating a custom version of a dialogic node.

Dialogic Nodes

Dialogic Nodes are custom nodes provided by Dialogic that handle the presentation of your timelines in your game.

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1. Introduction

Usually, this means Dialogic will add a layout scene made of DialogicNodes. This is what happens if you call Dialogic.start() and can be set in the Style editor. It is also possible to integrate DialogicNodes into your existing UI.

This topic is closely related to Styles and Layouts, so take a look at that page if you haven't done so yet.

You can find all Dialogic nodes in our Node Class Reference Index.

2. What is a Dialogic Node?

Many events have nodes that you need if you want them to actually affect the game:

  • Text event: DialogText, NameLabel, NextIndicator, TypingSound

  • Character event: PortraitContainer

  • Choice event: ChoiceButton, ChoiceSound

  • Background event: Background

  • Text Input event: TextInput

If you want to find all Dialogic nodes, check out the Node Class Reference Index.

Here are some things to know about Dialogic nodes:

  • Dialogic Nodes provide very different functionality. Hence, they have very different properties. Learn more about each Dialogic Node by adding it to your scene and taking a look at the inspector.

  • Some Dialogic Nodes use settings from the dialogic settings page.   A general rule-of-thumb is that settings that should be the same for all instances of a Dialogic node are usually a Dialogic setting, while things that might change from node to node are properties.

3. Using Dialogic nodes

You can add these nodes with the usual Add Node window.

It's not relevant where they are placed in the tree, as they will be recognized by the group they are automatically added to.

Some Dialogic nodes require a special setup. For example, the TypingSound node expects to be the child of a DialogText node.

Writing Texts

When writing texts in text events or choices, you can utilize many systems to tweak the behaviour, content and styling of the texts.

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In Text events you can use BBCode tags, that allow you to style your text: from bold, italics and underlines to colors, fonts, images, and crazy wave effects. Learn more in the Godot docs: BBCode in RichTextLabel. If you need BBCode on the choice buttons, you will have to use custom choice buttons that use RichTextLabel to display their text!


Anything in {curly brackets} will be considered an expression. It will be evaluated when the text is shown and the result will be inserted. This could be a simple dialogic variable or a variable on an autoload. Learn more on the Variables page.

Text modifiers

Text modifiers range from simple inserts like [br] (to insert a line break) to <random/selection> (selects a random option) or conditional texts [if {Expression} Show if true./Else show this.] (prints one of the text based on the result of the expression).

You can find a full list of the text modifiers here: Text Modifiers

Text Effects

Text effects look similar to bbcode, but usually have an effect that happens when the text-revealing reaches that point. That could be [pause=x] (pauses x seconds), [speed=x] (changes the speed of revealing), or [signal=x] (emits the Dialogic.text_signal with the argument x).

You can find a list of all the text effects here: Text Effects

Text Effects

Text effects are tags that define a position in text and an action that happens, when that position is reached during the reveal of the text. Many text effects take an additional argument. They are useful to change the behaviour of the text revealing (e.g. speed, pauses, skipping, etc.) or to react to specific moments in the text (signal, changing the speakers portrait or sound mood).

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Splitting Events

Effect: New Event

Syntax: [n] / [n+]

Visually starts a new event, requiring manual advancement by the user or by the Auto-Advance system.

The variant with the + will append the following text to the previous without clearing the text box.

Effect: Input

Syntax: [input]

Will simply await any input when reached. As opposed to [n+], it is not breaking the text up into multiple sections and can thus be skipped.

Speeds & Pauses

Text speed is a complicated topic, as it can be used in numerous ways. Dialogic has

  • a letter speed (specifies the time to wait on each symbol)

  • a speed multiplier (modifies the letter and pause speed, resets every event)

  • a text speed setting (also modifies letter and pause speed)

Letter Speed

The letter speed defines the time (in seconds) that each letter takes to be revealed. The default can be changed in the text settings. It can be changed temporarily (it will reset before the next event) with these effects:

Effect: Setting Letter Speed

Syntax: [lspeed=x] / [lspeed] / [lspeed=x!]

Sets the letter speed to x in seconds or resets to the default if no x is given. By default the speed is multiplied with both the temporary speed multiplier and the text speed setting. If you put a ! behind the time (e.g. [lspeed=0.1!]) then this is not the case.

Temporary Speed Multiplier

The speed multiplier is 1 by default, so it has no effect. It can be changed temporarily (it will reset before the next event) with these effects:

Speed Multiplier Effect

Syntax: [speed=x] / [speed]

Sets the temporary speed multiplier to x or 1 if nothing is given. As this will multiply the pause length and letter speed, a bigger number means a slower reveal, a smaller number means a faster reveal and 0 means an instant reveal.

Pauses Effect

Syntax: [pause=x] / [pause=x!]

Pauses the reveal for x seconds (e.g., [pause=0.2]).

By default this duration will be multiplied with the temporary speed multipler and the text speed setting multiplier. If you put a ! behind the time (e.g. [pause=0.2!]) then this is not the case.

Related to this are Auto-Pauses, which can be configured in the text settings to insert pause effects after certain symbols. This can be used to easily alter the flow of punctuation.

Multiplier "Text Speed" (Dialogic Setting)

This is a Dialogic Setting so something that can be changed in-game via the Settings subsystem and is stored automatically and globally.

It defaults to 1 (no effect) and can be used to add a reveal speed setting to your games option menu.

You can access it via the Settings subsystem Dialogic.Settings.text_speed = 0.5. This should enable you to implement a speed slider in your settings

Signal Effect

Syntax: [signal=arg]

Emits the Dialogic.text_signal signal with the given argument. Useful if you want something to happen at a specific moment during the text. Learn more about the signal: Dialogic Signals

Portrait & Type Sound Mood Effects

Portrait Effect

Syntax: [portrait=name]

Changes the portrait of the speaker to the portrait with the given name.

Type Sound Mood Effect

Syntax: [mood=name]

Changes the typing mood to the one with the given name.

Extra Data Effect

Syntax: [extra_data=value]

Changes the extra data of the speaker to the given value.

Auto-Advance Effect

Syntax: [aa] / [aa=x] / [aa=x?]

Enables the Auto-Advance for the current text event.

A time x (in seconds) can be given to set the Auto-Advance time. This time is absolute and overwrites the more relative "per word" or "per letter" settings.

If the time is given with a ? then it will only set the time and not enable Auto-Advance. This is useful if the player can freely enable/disable Auto-Advance and you just want to define a different Auto-Advance time for this event, but not change it's state.

No Skip Effect

Syntax: [ns] / [ns=x]

This effect temporarily (for this event) disables text skipping and manual advance and enables Auto-Advance with the given time x (in seconds).

Text Modifiers

Text modifiers are text-preprocessors, that means before the text is shown a method is run on it and changes the texts contents. Many text modifiers come with a special syntax that you'll have to use.

Most text modifiers work in text events AND in choice events, but not all.

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Line Break

Syntax: [br]

Supports: Text Events, Choice Events

This effect inserts a line break. This can be useful in choices (where you can't add a real line break) or when using the "New Lines as New events" setting and wanting to insert a line break that doesn't trigger a new event.

Random selection

Syntax: <Option1/Option2/Option3>

Example: <Hey what's up?/How are you doing?/What's up?>

Supports: Text Events, Choice Events

If a text is encountered multiple times during your game, this can be a nice way to add some variation.

Conditional text


  • [if {Expression} Text if true./Text if false.]

  • [if {Expression} Text if true.]


  • [if {KeyCollected} You have a key./You don't have any key.]

  • [if {PlayerDidSomething} You remember the thing you did...]

Supports: Text Events, Choice Events

This makes it easy to insert conditional text into text events without adding a whole condition event and two text events.


Supports: Text Events

Autopauses are implemented as a text modifier. The relevant settings for autopauses are in the Text settings. The method will automatically insert [pause=x] effects for the letters set in the settings.

Custom Text Modifiers

Adding custom text modifiers is pretty simple. If you have a custom module setup, you can simply register a modifier in the _get_text_modifiers() method. You'll have to sepecify the subsystem or node that holds the method and the name of the method.

You can also specify whether this should be called on text events AND choices or only one of them (defaults to Text Events only).

func _get_text_modifiers() -> Array[Dictionary]:
    return [
             # alternatively do 
            "mode": -1}, #-1 = Text&Choice, 0 = TextsOnly, 1 = ChoicesOnly

The actual modifier method should take a String parameter and return a String.

For example this method would change all e's for E's:

func big_e_modifier(text: String) -> String:
    text = text.replace("e", "E")
    return text

Of course you might want to use some more complex regex or a syntax that you make up youself, but this is the basics!


Variables are a good way to keep track of all kinds of things during your game. Dialogic has an easy-to-use and beginner-friendly variable system built in. However, Dialogic allows you to use outside variables (or Autoload Singletons) just as easily. You can also access the Dialogic variables from outside scripts.

To fully utilize these variables, this page contains all you need to know.

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1. The Dialogic variable editor

Dialogic variables can be set up in the "Variables" tab. Each variable consists of a name and an initial default value.

Variables can be grouped together in folders, which just have a name.

Important: Inside a folder, no item (variable or folder) can have the same name.

2. Using variables in the timeline

2.1 Variables in texts

In text events, you can insert the value of a dialogic variable by typing {variable_name}. If your dialogic variable is inside a folder (or multiple folders), you have to specify the whole name separated with dots: {MyFolder.variable_name} or {FolderA.FolderB.variable_name}

If you want to use a variable from an Autoload write {AutoloadName.variable}. This syntax also allows calling methods on that autoload. Whatever is returned from the method is inserted into the text: {Autoload.get_random_name()}

You can even do simple operations inside the brackets: {{Player.Health}/10.0+2}

2.2 Conditions

One of the main uses for variables is in conditions: if, elif, or conditions on choices.

Conditions: Visual Editor

In the visual editor, you can simply select the variable from the dropdown and compare it to a value of your choice. If you need something more complex, click the <E> button and use the syntax described below.

Conditions: Text syntax

In conditions, you can use all the same tricks as in text events and a couple more:

  • Accessing autoloads:

  • In these conditions, Autoloads don't have to be wrapped in {} brackets.*

  • Using autoload methods: Autoload.check_info("Argument", false)

  - A condition always results in a boolean at the end, using the same rules as GDScript for type conversion.

  • Using variables and typical boolean operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, not, and, or, brackets):

  - {Player.Health} > 5 or {Player.Luck} > randi()%10

2.3 Set Variable event

You can change variables in a timeline with the set variable event. This can set dialogic variables as well as autoload variables.

Set Variable: Visual Editor

In the visual editor, you can simply select a variable and a value. You can also set the value of an Autoload variable by typing Autoload.variable in directly into the variable field and submitting with Enter (there is no auto-completion).

The value that it will be set to can be a

  • string,

  • number (float or int),

  • value of another variable,

  • complex expression,

  • random number

Complex Expression allows you to use the full range of possibilities. Behind the scenes, all of these types are expressions; the distinction is only made for a simpler UI.

Expressions follow the syntax described below.

Set Variable: Text syntax

The set variable event has a special syntax to make it easy to write and read:

set {variable_name} = 20

set {MyFolder.variable} += 2

set = "Hello World"

set {Player.Health} += range(10,20).pick_random()

set = {Player.Health} + 2

The value is parsed as an expression, similar to what is done with {expressions} inside text events or in conditions. All the same can be done here as well, the only difference is that it won't be converted to string/bool.

2.4 Text Input event

A special kind of set variable event is the Text Input event, which allows you to capture a text input the player makes in a variable.

3. Using variables for other cool stuff

3.1 Variables as character names

A character Display Name can be a variable. That is the best way to control that character's name during the game. To achieve this, just type {MyVariableName} in the display name field in the character editor.

3.2 Variables in glossaries

You can use variables in glossary titles, texts and extras. This is the best way to control the text during the game. You can do all the same things as in the text event.

4. Using variables outside Dialogic

You might want to access variables from scripts outside dialogic.

You can do so with direct access:

Dialogic.VAR.my_variable = 20

You can also do so by string:

Dialogic.VAR.set('my_variable', 20)

Folders (as well as the root "folder") have some methods that might be useful:

  • folders() lists all folders in this folder (not strings but FolderObjects)

  • variables(@absolute) lists the names of all the variables in that folder

  • has(@variable_name) returns true if such a variable exists

This allows you to do fancy stuff like this:

var location = Dialogic.VAR.Towns.folders().pick_random().variables().pick_random()

Could pick a random house/place if your variables are set up like this:

Towns (folder)

   - Town A (folder)

      - CharacterAHouse

      - CharacterBHouse

      - Church

      - School

  - Town B (folder)

      - CharacterCHouse

      - CharacterDHouse

      - University

      - Park

Dialogic.VAR also has:

  • Dialogic.VAR.reset(@variable_path="") resets the given variable or all variables if none is specified

  • Dialogic.VAR.parse_variables(@string) returns the given string with variables replaced. This is what is used by the text event, etc.

Timeline Text Syntax

Timelines are saved in a text format, which means that you can use any text-editing software to edit and create them. The built-in text editor provides useful autocompletion and syntax highlighting.

For Dialogic to register your timeline file, it has to use the .dtl extension!

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About short code events

Most events follow a shortcodes-like style:

[background path="res://icon.png" fade="1.0"]

The order of the parameters is not relevant, but they have to be separated by at least one space. All parameters, regardless of type, have to be contained in double quotation marks.

To find all the parameters you can use on each event, check out their documentation by searching for their class in the Godot Help or this documentation.

About special events

Some events have a custom syntax to make writing them easier. This includes:

Text Event

A wonderful text event, said by noone in particular.

Emilio: Hello and welcome!

Emilio (excited): I'm excited cann you tell?

Emilio: This is a text event with \
multiple lines. Isn't that great? It is!

Ending a text event with \ will make it include the next line as well.

Character event

join Emilio (happy) center [animation="Bounce In"]

leave Emilio [animation="Bounce Out" length="0.3"]

update Emilio (excited) left [animation="Tada" wait="true" repeat="3" move_time="0.3"]

Check the Character Event documentation for more information and examples.

Choice event

- Yes
- No | [if {John.Relationship} > 23]
- Maybe | [if {Stats.Charisma} > 10] [else="disable" alt_text="Maybe [to insecure]"]

Condition event

if {Player.Wisdom} > 3:
    # dialogics syntax is indentation based!
elif {Player.Health} <= 10:
    # some events

Set Variable event

set {MyVariable} += 10

Supported Operators are =, += , -= , *=, /=

Comment event

# Some comment

Label event

label LabelIdentifier

# a label with a display name
label LabelIdentifier (Display Name)

Jump event

jump LabelIdentifier

# Jump to a label in another timeline
jump TimelineName/LabelIdentifier

# Jump to the beginning of another timeline
jump TimelineName/

Return event


Do/Call event

do Autoload.method("argument")

About indentation

Timelines use TAB indentation to know what events belong to a choice or condition block. Only changes in indentation are considered, so it doesn't really matter how much you indent, as long as you are consistent within one block.

Example timeline

[background path="res://assets/backgrounds/dialogic_factory.png"]

join Jowan left
jowan (exited): Hello and welcome to[portrait=confused]...[pause=0.5] Wait? What is this?

join Emilio (happy) right
Emilio: Well, this is is the example timeline.

Jowan: I thought this was a cool new feature?

Emilio: Nah, sorry.

Jowan (sad): It's okay.

# Some choices jump back to this
label WhatAbout

Jowan (default): So what should this example be about?
- How to bake cookies
    Emilio (confused): Wait that hasn't to do with dialogic?!
    jump WhatAbout

- How to reach the moon | [if {Player.Name} == "NASA"]
    Jowan (angry): NASA! It's you again. This is for making dialogs!\
    Please ask someone else about the moon!.
    jump WhatAbout

- How to write timelines in text format
    Jowan: Oh, well it's pretty intuitive.[pause= 0.2][portrait=questioning] I hope.
    Emilio: Let's hope it's easy as well.

Creating Timelines in Code

As timelines and events are just resources, you can create new timelines in code.

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How do I create timelines via code?

Creating an empty timeline would look like this:

var timeline : DialogicTimeline =

Of course, the timeline created here doesn't contain events yet. To add events, you can do two things:

  • Create an array of event resources:
var events : Array = []
var text_event =
text_event.text = "Hey, this was made in code!"
text_event.character = load("res://characters/Emilio.dch")

var timeline : DialogicTimeline = = events
# if your events are already resources, you need to add this:
timeline.events_processed = true
  • Create an array of Strings:
var events : Array = """
Jowan (Surprised): Wow this is interesting!
- Yes
    [background path="res://icon.png"]
    [wait seconds="1"]
    set MyAutoload.exitement += 20
- No
    set MyAutload.exitement -= 10 """.split('\n')

var timeline : DialogicTimeline = = events

In this case, you have to follow the syntax explained in this tutorial.

Character Event

The character event is used for characters that have portraits. It allows joining, leaving and updating them and configuring how they appear in the game.

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Text Syntax

# Basic join event
join MyCharacter center
# Specifying a portrait and shortcode parameters
join MyCharacter (SomePortrait) center [animation="Bounce In"]
# Character with a space in the name and a portrait that's inside a group
join "My Character" (Special/Crazy) center
# Specifying the transform manually
join MyCharacter pos=x0.5y1 size=y400px rot=20`

# Basic leave event
leave MyCharacter
# Specifying shortcode parameters
leave MyCharacter [animation="Fade Down"]
# Leaving all joined characters
leave --All--

# Update that animates the character
update MyCharacter [animation="Tada" length="2" wait="true"]
# Update that changes the position (and tweens it)
update MyCharacter left [move_time="1" move_trans="Elastic" move_ease="In"]
# Update that changes the portrait
update MyCharacter (OtherPortrait) [fade_time="0.5"]

The Main Settings

Action Setting | Join / Leave / Update

The character event knows three modes Join, Leave and Update.

Join events will add a character. They require a position/transform to be given and will use In-Animations.

Leave events will remove one or all characters. They ignore most settings and will use Out-Animations.

Update events allow you to change stuff, like the position or portrait. They can also be used to animate the character. They have a few settings that Join and Leave don't use: Fade and Fade Time, Move Time, Move Trans and Move Ease. Also the Update event will only change a setting if it has been set, so if no portrait is given the previous portrait is kept, same for the position, etc.

Text Syntax: The mode is set by starting the event with either join, leave or update

Character Setting

The character that is going to be used. In Leave-mode this can be --All-- characters.

Text Syntax: join MyCharacter , leave "My Character", leave --All--

Right after join/leave/update put the character identifier. If the identifier contains a space, you have to put the identifier in quotes.

Portrait Setting

Text Syntax: After the character identifier put the portrait in (brackets): join MyCharacter (MyPortrait)

The portrait that should be used. If none is given, Join mode will use the characters default portrait, while Update mode will just not change the portrait.

Portraits that are in groups have to be specified by full path: Group/SubGroup/Portrait

The portrait setting can be an expression inside {curly brackets}, for example a variable: {PlayerPortrait}. The experssion will be evaluated and interpreted as a string that should be the name/path of a portrait.

Position/Transform Setting

This setting defines where on screen your character is positioned. When you character is joined it will be put in a brand new PortraitContainer, which you can then change the position, size and rotation of with the transform setting. There are two ways to do so:

  • Using a preset "position" you can easily copy the tranform of one of the PortraitContainers defined in your style by using one of it's identifiers. By default dialogic provides 5 of these preset positions, named "leftmost", "left", "center", "right", "rightmost".

  • Using transform commands you can position, size and rotate the container with more control. For example pos=x0.5y1 size=y400px rot=20.

Using a Preset Positions

Moving the container to a preset position is as easy as writing the name of that position.

In the default "5-Portraits" style layer the defined positions are leftmost,left, center, right, rightmost.


If you want more/other preset positions you will have to create a custom portrait layer. You then have to change the position names that will be suggested in the timeline editor in the Settings>Portraits.

Using Transform Commands

There are three transform commands: pos= (position), size= and rot= (rotation).

Position and size can be specified like this: x0.5 y1, x100px y1% By default x and y are interpreted as relative to the viewport size, meaning 0.5 means half the width/height of the window.

Position defines the ORIGIN of the portrait (usually the bottom center). This means a position of x0.5 y1 will position the portrait like this:

When first joining a character, the position, size and rotation will be copied from the first portrait preset found. This means if you just want to vary the position along the x axis, a simple pos=x0.3 is usually enough and all the other values will be correct by default.

Rotation is given in degrees. The portrait rotates around it's origin (usually the bottom center)!

The Other Settings

In the text editor these settings are all stored as parameters in the shortcode at the end of the event.

E.g. join MyCharacter center [animation="Bounce" length="1" mirrored="true" ]

Animation Setting

Text Syntax: animation="Bounce"

The animation setting allows you to set an animation that should be used. The selection of animations is different depending on the mode.

If no animation is given, Join and Leave will fallback to defaults that can be set in Settings>Portraits, while Update won't play any animation.

The animation name is quite forgiving meaning Fade Up, fade up in fade In Up will all point to the right animation (assuming this is a join event).

You can add animations to dialogic with extensions: Creating Extensions

Animation Length Setting

Text Syntax: length="2" / length="0.5"

If an animation is set, this defines the length of the animation in seconds.

Animation Wait Setting

Text Syntax: wait="true" / wait="false"

If an animation is set, this defines, whether to wait for the animation to finish before going to the next event.

Animation Repeat Setting

Text Syntax: repeat="2"

The animation repeat setting (exclusive to the Update mode) allows repeating the animation multiple times.

Fade Setting

Text Syntax: fade="Fade"

The fade setting (exclusive to the Update mode and only relevant if the portrait changes) defines the Crossfade animation that is used to fade from the last portrait to the next. If none is given it will fall back to a default that can be set in Setting>Portraits.

Fade Length Setting

Text Syntax: fade_length="0.5"

Defines the length of the fade in seconds.

Z-Index Setting

Text Syntax: z_index="2"

The z-index allows you to sort your characters. It is not using godot's z-index and instead sorting the characters manually!

Mirror Setting

Text Syntax: mirrored="true"

Allows mirroring the portrait.

Move Settings

Text Syntax: move_time="0.8" / move_trans="Elastic" / move_ease="In Out"

On Update events that change the position you can set the time (in seconds), transition and easing used to tween from the old to the new position.

Easings: In, Out, In Out Out In

Transitions: Linear, Sine, Quint, Quart, Expo, Elastic, Cubic, Circ, Bounce, Back, Spring

See this Easing Cheat Sheet for something more visual.

Extra Data Setting

Text Syntax: extra_data="something"

The extra data is given to the portrait scene and allows communicating with the portrait scene directly from the timeline. It can be evaluated from the _set_extra_data(data:String) method on custom portraits.


Auto-Advance allows you to advance the timeline without user input.

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1. What is Auto-Advance?

Auto-Advance is an experience-changing feature in Dialogic that allows players to automatically progress through the timeline without requiring user input! It's particularly useful for providing a hands-free experience to your players, offering an alternative to traditional "click-to-advance" methods in games.

You may also know this feature by the names "auto-forward" or simply "auto".

2. Main Settings

In Dialogic's Settings tab, under the Text section, you can find the main Auto-Advance settings. Hover over the tooltip icons to learn more about each setting. header_saving_loading

2.1 Additional Delay

One critical setting is the Additional Delay, which allows you to choose between Per Character and Per Word. These settings modify the pace at which text is displayed, adding extra delays either on character or word count.

Some languages, for instance Japanese, don't separate words by spaces. Dialogic uses the popular whitespace used by the spacebar to determine when a word ends and another begins. If you plan on providing multiple localisations, you can set both settings via the API.

Ignored Characters

These characters will be ignored when counting the characters. This feature allows you to further fine-tune your Auto-Advance experience. If you don't need it, simply toggle it off.

3. Changing Auto-Advance from code

Dialogic's Auto-Advance class can be easily accessed via the Inputs subsystem and allows you to change Auto-Advance during your game. It also has a number of settings not exposed to the dialogic interface.

All of this functionality lives in Dialogic.Inputs.auto_advance an DialogicAutoAdvance object.

3.1 Settings/Properties

There are two types of settings/properties:

Enable conditions

  • enabled_until_next_event: bool
  • enabled_forced: bool
  • enabled_until_user_input: bool

As long as one of the enable conditions is true, Auto-Advance will continue. This allows stacking the reasons why Auto-Advance has been enabled. Imagine, the player enables Auto-Advance, but the Text event forces it on until the next event.

Thanks to the multiple enable conditions, if the player disables Auto-Advances, it will still carry on until the next event.

You can turn any of the enable-variables to true to enable Auto-Advance. If you have an Auto-Advance button, you can use the following code to enable the feature:

Dialogic.Inputs.auto_advance.enabled_until_user_input = true

Behaviour changing settings

  • fixed_delay: float Same as the base delay in the Settings
  • per_word_delay: float Additional delay multiplied by the word count
  • per_character_delay: float Additional delay multiplied by character count
  • await_playing_voice: bool If true (by default) Auto-Advance will wait until voice lines have finished
Per Character and Per Word Delays

You can see that using these properties you can have both per word and character delays which add up.

To accommodate languages without spaces between words, you can adjust the per_word_delay and per_character_delay variables when changing language.

Here's an example of how to configure these settings in your script:

# We can change the settings by directly writing to the returned dictionary.
Dialogic.Inputs.auto_advance.per_word_delay = 0.3
Dialogic.Inputs.auto_advance.per_character_delay = 0.1

3.2 Toggled Signal

If you want to be informed about changes in Auto-Advance's state, you can use the Dialogic.Inputs.auto_advance.toggled signal.

signal toggled(enabled: bool)

If you are interested in how Dialogic uses this signal internally, the Inputs subsystem connects to this signal:


4. Modifying the reading speed

For Visual Novels, enabling players to set their text speed is a common practice. To provide the same feature using Dialogic, consider setting Dialogic.Settings.autoadvance_delay_modifier.

This setting, located within Dialogic.Settings, allows you to fine-tune the delay modifier, multiplying "Additional Delay". By default, if this value is not set, Dialogic uses a multiplier of 1, causing no change to the delay.


Every setting added to Dialogic.Settings is automatically saved and loaded by Dialogic for the player.

5. Auto-Advance Text-Effect

By writing [aa] or [aa = 2] in your text, you can temporarily enable Auto-Advance in a text event and override the delay.

  • [aa] enables Auto-Advance until (at least) the next text event

  • [aa=2] enables Auto-Advance and sets the delay to 2 seconds.

    • This ignores per_word_delay and per_character_delay but respects await_playing_voice.
  • [aa=2?] does not enable Auto-Advance but sets the time to 2 seconds if Auto-Advance is already enabled.


Auto-Skip allows you or the player to quickly advance the timeline.

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1. What is Auto-Skip?

Auto-Skip is the concept of advancing a timeline faster than you can read it.

In Visual Novels, Auto-Skip helps to navigate already known story branches quickly. If your story is not intended to be cyclic, this feature may not be of use to you.

2. How to use it?

In Dialogic, Auto-Skip can be enabled and modified from code using the DialogicAutoSkip object that can be accessed via the Inputs subsytem (e.g. Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip.

The most common way this feature is used, to provide the player with an Auto-Skip toggle button. This section will teach you how to implement the logic for this.

First, you can set the time each event is allowed to take via the Text settings page inside Dialogic.


However, there are many settings that are not exposed to the interface!

3. Enabling and modifying Auto-Skip

All Auto-Skip settings are variables on the DialogicAutoSkip class. This class can be accessed via Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip. It has a bunch of useful settings:

  • enabled: bool If true, dialogic will Auto-Skip.

Disable Conditions

If these settings are on, they tell dialogic to automatically disable Auto-Skip under certain conditions/at certain moments.

  • disable_on_user_input: bool If true (by default) dialogic will disable Auto-Skip when the Dialogic Input Action is triggered.

  • disable_on_unread_text: bool If true (by default) dialogic will disable Auto-Skip when any unread text is reached.

Enable Condition

  • enable_on_seen: bool If true (by default) dialogic will enable Auto-Skip whenever a text event is reached that you visited before.

General Settings

  • skip_voice: bool If true (by default) Auto-Skip will skip voice events instead of playing them.

  • time_per_event: float Defines the time for each event (equivalent to the setting in the Settings>Text page).

So you can enable Auto-Skip like this:

Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip.enabled = !Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip.enabled

You can use this to quickly advance through your timelines, for example, for debugging purposes. For this you should disable the disable_on_unread_text setting like this:

Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip.disable_on_unread_text = false


This is implemented when you use Play Timeline. You can enable auto-skip there with the MiddleMouseButton and stop it with any user input.

4. Reacting to Auto-Skip

4.1 Signals

When Auto-Skip is enabled or disabled, the class will emit the DialogicAutoSkip.toggled signal.

Here is an example on how to connect to the signal:

# Connect to the signal.
func _init():

## If Auto-Skip disables, we want to stop the timer.
func _on_auto_skip_toggled(is_enabled: bool) -> void:
    # Your code reacting to Auto-Skip changes goes here!

4.2 In Custom Events

Events come in all sort of behaviours: Awaiting signals, instantly executing, a mix of conditions, playing audio, …

It's impossible to let an Auto-Skip handle all of these effects gracefully from the outside. Therefore, Auto-Skip's behaviour must be implemented by each Timeline Event.

What type of event do I have?

Does your event finish instantly? Is it playing audio? Awaiting a signal? These situations must be implemented differently.

If you await signals, you can use the DialogicAutoSkip.toggled to cause your event to react to Auto-Skip. The Text Event uses this signal to skip the text animation and then advance the timeline.

If you await a timer or perform an action lasting multiple frames, you can use the time_per_event variable to limit the time your event may take. Here is a code snippet to give you an idea:

var animation_length: float = 10.0

if Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip.enabled:
    var time_per_event: float = Dialogic.Inputs.auto_skip.time_per_event
    animation_length = min(time_per_event, animation_length)

This code will cap the animation length to the maximum time set if Auto-Skip is enabled.

Signals & Signal Events

Dialogic provides a lot of signals that allow you to react to all kinds of things. If you are new to Godot's signals learn how to use them here.

In other programs, signals are often referred to as events, and they are a way to implement the Observer pattern.

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1. Signal event

The signal event is used to inform code outside Dialogic that something happened or should happen.

When reached, the event will emit the signal Dialogic.signal_event and pass along the argument given in the event.


Here the argument is "activate_something".

To react to the signal event, connect to it before starting your dialog:

func _ready():

func _on_dialogic_signal(argument:String):
    if argument == "activate_something":
        print("Something was activated!")

2. Text signal

When using the [signal=activate_something] text effect, dialogic will emit the Dialogic.text_signal signal with the given argument.

You can connect it the same way as the signal_event signal:

func _ready():

func _on_dialogic_text_signal(argument:String):
    if argument == "activate_something":
        print("Something was activated!")

3. Start & End signals

Using the Dialogic.timeline_ended and Dialogic.timeline_started signals (both have no arguments) lets you react to dialog ending or beginning.


func start_dialog():

func _on_timeline_ended():
    # do something else here

4. Subsystem signals

Dialogic subsystems have many useful signals. Here is a selection of them:

  • Dialogic.Text has

    • signal about_to_show_text(info:Dictionary)
    • signal text_finished(info:Dictionary)
    • signal speaker_updated(character:DialogicCharacter)
    • signal textbox_visibility_changed(visible:bool)
    • signal animation_textbox_new_text
    • signal animation_textbox_show
    • signal animation_textbox_hide
  • Dialogic.Portraits has

    • signal character_joined(info:Dictionary)
    • signal character_left(info:Dictionary)
    • signal character_portrait_changed(info:Dictionary)
  • Dialogic.VAR has

    • signal variable_changed(info:Dictionary)
    • signal variable_was_set(info:Dictionary) # only on set variable events

If you want to find all signals, head over to the Subsystem Index, select a subsystem and take a look at the related Signals category.


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How do I pause the timeline?

You can pause/resume the currently running dialog with Dialogic.paused = true and Dialogic.paused = false. This does not pause the scene tree.

Saving & Loading

Obviously, many games require the ability to save and load!

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1. Built-in Saving

The saving subsystem allows you to save and load Dialogic timeline states, game thumbnails (screenshots), and extra information to Savegame slots.
You want to save the player position or the last seen text? The built-in save system has it all covered!

Be aware that Savegames uses their name as a folder name; operating systems restrict the allowed characters for folder names. It's recommended to rely on the Latin alphabet, numbers, and underscores.

If you don't care about Savegame slots, you can do the following:

# Example signal handling.
func _on_save_game_button_pressed() -> void:

func _on_load_game_button_pressed() -> void:

However, these methods will take screenshots too, which may affect performance slightly.
If you want to prevent this from happening, it gets a bit more verbose:

# Example signal handling.
func _on_save_game_button_pressed() -> void:"", false, Dialogic.Save.ThumbnailMode.NONE)

func _on_load_game_button_pressed() -> void:

1.1 Take a thumbnail

If you would like to use thumbnails per Savegame slot, it's recommended to take the screenshot before opening your Save & Load layer.
This can be achieved by calling Dialogic.Save.take_thumbnail() before you show the layer; for instance, in the button signal connection, open the layer.

If you go this route, you need to instruct the method to store only and not take a screenshot., false, Dialogic.Save.ThumbnailMode.STORE_ONLY, slot_extra_info)

This snippet will automatically take the thumbnail saved at Dialogic.Save.latest_thumbnail and use it.

1.2 Saving Extra Info

By default, Savegames contain information about Dialogic's timeline and Dialogic variables. If you want to store specific information about a Savegame, we can achieve this by using Dialogic.Save.set_slot_info(slot_name:String, info: Dictionary) and Dialogic.Save.get_slot_info(slot_name: String) methods.
However, the method can simplify our work and skip calling the set method.

Extra information is not loaded into the Dialogic state info. In other words, it solely serves to provide information about a Savegame.

In the following code snippet, we will save the last used text line and the current time as extra information.

var extra_info := {}
extra_info["text"] = Dialogic.current_state_info["text"]
extra_info["date"] = Time.get_datetime_string_from_system(false, true), false, Dialogic.Save.ThumbnailMode.STORE_ONLY, extra_info)

1.2.1 Accessing Extra Info

Now, if you want to display your Savegames on your custom Savegame layer, you can access them via Dialogic.Save.get_slot_info.

Here is an example on how to access a specific Savegame's extra data:

# Safety check, whether our Savegame even exists.
if Dialogic.Save.has_slot(save_game_name):
     var slot_info_dictionary := Dialogic.Save.get_slot_info(save_game_name)
     var date: String = slot_info_dictionary.get("date", "")
     var text: String = slot_info_dictionary.get("text", "")

This example checks if a Savegame save_game_name exists and if so, gets its extra data. From there on, you are free to do anything with the data. For instance, display it on your custom Savegame layer.

1.3 Global data

The simple approach to storing your game data slot-independently is to use the Dialogic.Settings subsystem.
You can directly store the information on it:

Dialogic.Settings.text_speed = 0.05

On save, the data will be automatically stored in the global save file

However, if you want to write to the global save file directly, you can use the Dialogic.Save subsystem:

func set_player_name(name: String) -> void:
    # Setting a name for the key `player_name`.
    Dialogic.Save.set_global_info("player_name", name)

There is no rule for the global info key's value; being consistent is good, though.

If you are interested in storing the history of visited texts, take a look at the next chapter.

1.4 Saving Visited Events

When you play a visual novel and use multiple saves, you may find yourself discovering texts you already read, even on entirely different story branches.
By default, Dialogic does not save the events players have already visited; however, there are two main ways to get it working.

  1. The first approach is via the Dialogic Editor. Head to the Settings tab and select History. From here on, you can decide if you want the already-visited events must auto-save.

  2. This approach is a bit different: The following snippet will manually save the history to a file. Use this in case the player has reached the end of the game (credits?) and you want to ensure that the visited events are properly updated a last time.

var slot_name := "slot-3-page-2"

func _save_game() -> void:

func _load_game() -> void:

func _reset_visited_history() -> void:

If you prefer to set the configuration via code, take a look at the following snippet:

func _ready() -> void:
    Dialogic.History.save_already_visited_history_on_save = true
    Dialogic.History.save_already_visited_history_on_autosave = true

The example values will cause the visited event history to automatically save on Auto-Save and normal Saves.

2. Handling Savegame Slots

A save game slot is identified by its slot name, a unique word that you, as a developer, decide.
One way to name the slots could be by their index and the current save game page (if you intend to have many save games). This could result in slots named slot_3_page_4.

2.1 Check if a Savegame Slot exists

When you create your own save/load layer, you may want to check whether any of these slots even exist.

func load_save_game_slot(slot_name: String) -> void:
    if Dialogic.Save.has_slot(slot_name):
        # Do your logic...

However, you may also use Dialogic.Save.add_empty_slot(slot_name: String) and populate the missing slots. If you check using the snippet, it's not necessary at all, though.

2.2 Delete a Savegame Slot

You can delete a save game slot by using the Dialogic.Save.delete_slot(slot_name: String) method.

3. Manual Saving

If you want to roll your own save and load system, you can use Dialogic.get_full_state() -> Dictionary to get the state of Dialogic and then continue saving it the way you want to.
Once you are read to load the data back, you will have to use Dialogic.load_full_state(state: Dictionary) to get your data back into Dialogic.

Overall, it's better to have an idea why you want to do manual saving and take inspiration from Dialogic's save and load methods.
There is a chance that Dialogic already supports your specific loading and saving requirements.

Reference Manager

The reference manager allows fixing broken references and renaming unique resource identifiers.

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1. What kind of references are we talking about?

Dialogic timelines are saved in text-syntax that often favors being readable over being specific: You do not have to specify the exact character resource every time you reference a character.

To do this, dialogic assigns each of its resources (timelines and characters) a unique identifier string. This string is initially based on the file name but can be whatever; the only important thing is: not two resources (of the same type) can have the same identifier.

There is some other name based references in dialogic, notably portraits and variables.

Dialogic provides tools to edit unique identifiers and also easily fix any broken references if you choose to rename something after having already used it in a timeline. These tools live in the Reference Manager which can be accessed via the Link button in the toolbar.

2. Broken references

The first tab allows you to fix references after you renamed something.

Dialogic will sometimes send you here. In those cases it has usually already added some renames that you should check for.

Simply click Check Selected which will scan all timelines for the references in the list above. Check if the results look like they contain the thing you want to actually replace. If not just uncheck them. Then click Replace.


This performs a destructive operation on all affected timelines. It can not be easily undone if it goes wrong. It usually works fine, but if you use custom regexes you should be pretty careful. If you use version control, this would be the perfect moment to commit!

The tool will automatically remove any resolved (or irrelevant) renames from the list when you close the window.

2.1 Custom replacements (Advanced)

This tool can also be used to manually replace something. This is useful if dialogic didn't correctly pick up on a rename or you would like to replace some other string in all timelines.

This can be done by clicking the Plus button.

If you select Pure Text you can enter a custom term or regex. The regex can contain a (?<replace>something) group if you would like to not replace the whole result.

Any of the other options (Variable, Portrait, Character, Timeline) will use a custom regex specialized for those types.

You can also limit a search to only lines related to a specific character (useful for portraits).

Lastly click Add. An entry will be added to the list. You can then continue like with automatically added entries.

3. Unique identifiers

Thes second tab allows you to change the unique identifiers for your characters and timelines.

You can simply double click an identifier or use the Pen button on the left.

No two identifiers in the same category can be the same.

Renaming any identifier will automatically add an entry to the "Broken References" tab which you can use to check if this rename broke anything.

Creating Extensions

Sometimes Dialogic is just not enough.

Whether it's an event, an editor, a setting or a text effect that is missing, you can add it. An extension is a folder that contains all the information about these things so that Dialogic can use it. Extensions are powerful. Actually, it's just as powerful as Dialogic's built-in stuff because they are the same.

Extensions can add:

  • main editors
  • events
  • subsystems
  • text effects & modifiers
  • portrait animations
  • settings
  • character settings
  • layout presets
  • Dialogic nodes.

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1. Getting started

The best way to create an extension is to use the extension creator in the dialogic settings (General).

By clicking the Create New Extension button, you can set up an extension folder and a custom event script. Enter a name for the new module and select what you would like to add. Then click Create.


Existing files will be overwritten!

2. The essential part:

The central piece of any extension is the script. It is the only thing your extension is required to have. It has to extend DialogicIndexer and can overwrite that class's methods to let Dialogic know what things to add. For example, this code registers a custom event:

func _get_events() -> Array:
    return [this_folder.path_join('')]

Check out the DialogicIndexer's other methods to learn how to register other things.

3. Custom events

What is an event?

A Dialogic event is a script that defines a new class inheriting DialogicEvent. This script will define (a) how the event is represented in-editor, (b) how it is saved, and (c) what it does during timeline execution when the event is reached.

Often, events work together with subsystems.

Your custom event

The Extension Creator allows you to get a basic event script. It has already set some values for you.

These are the things you need to do to make your event fully functional:

1. Event settings:

All options for your event should be stored in variables. Define these at the top.

var print_text: String = ""
var in_game: bool = false

3.1 Execution code:

Add whatever should happen when your event is reached in the _execute() method:

func _execute() -> void:

    if in_game and Dialogic.has_subsystem('Text'):

The finish() method lets Dialogic know to continue with the next event.

3.2 General settings:

In the _init() method, you can set some base settings of your event:

func _init() -> void:
    event_name = "Printer"
    event_category = "Godot"

3.3 Saving & Loading

We will cover working with shortcodes now. They are pretty much the text view of an event inside the timeline. The following is the shortcode for the Background event.

[background arg="res://Graphics/Backgrounds/sunset.png" fade="1.5"]

To implement saving your shortcuts, return a shortcode identifier in get_shortcode() and fill out get_shortcode_parameters():

func get_shortcode() -> String:
    return "print"

func get_shortcode_parameters() -> Dictionary:
    return {
        #param_name       : property_info
        "text"            : { "property": "print_text", "default": "" },
        "ingame"          : { "property": "in_game",    "default": false },

The above event might be saved as [print text="Some text to print" in_game="true"]

3.34 My Variables are not changing

If your variables are not changing despite setting values in your custom event in the timeline editor, here is a little checklist:

  • Remember the name of your variable; example variable name: _audio_path.
  • Check the get_shortcode_parameters:
    • This would be correct: "path" : { "property": "_audio_path", "default": "" },
    • path appears as text in the shortcode text view; this can match your variable.
    • The property value must match your variable, see _audio_path.
  • Check add_header_edit including add_body_edit and others:
    • The very first parameter is the variable_name, this must match your variable.

    • An example:

      		"left_text": "File Path",
      		"mode": 1,

After all of these values match, the visual and text modes will both change the variables in your event, and you can access them in the _execute.

4.1 Custom Saving & Loading Syntax

You can implement custom saving syntax by overriding the function to_text() -> String and from_text(timeline_event: String). The is_valid_event(event_name: String) -> bool needs to be override too, if you want to quickly check if the event name is correct.

When is custom saving and loading useful? If your shortcode has a special text syntax or is converting between values, map a word to an integer. This is what the text-, character-, choice-, condition-, and variable events do, so take a look at them if this is something you are interested in.

5. Editor fields:

Your event is now fully functional, but in the visual editor, it is still blank. You will need to override the build_event_editor() method to define the fields/texts that will appear on the event.

func build_event_editor() -> void:
   add_header_edit("print_text", ValueType.SINGLELINE_TEXT)
   add_header_edit("in_game", ValueType.BOOL, {"left_text":"(also show it in game:", "right_text":")"}, "!print_text.is_empty()")

Other methods you can use are add_header_label(), add_body_edit() and add_body_line_break(). Most of these allow setting a condition as the last parameter, allowing for adaptive visibility. In the example above, the second field will only be visible if any text is typed in the first.

If you would like to learn more about events, I strongly suggest looking at the built-in events.

5. Custom Subsystems

What is a subsystem?

A subsystem is a script that contains useful methods for game execution. Subsystems can be accessed as Dialogic.SubsystemName.method() when running the game. They should contain all of your extension's code. For example, built-in subsystems include Text, Portraits, Choices, Audio, etc.. Their methods are used by the built-in events and can be used by your events as well.

Additionally, it's good if a subsystem manages dialogic nodes. This could be done like this:

func update_my_dialogic_nodes(some_setting):
    for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("dialogic_custom_nodes"):

Your custom subsystem

A subsystem is a script inheriting DialogicSubsystem. It can override that class's methods. The most important methods you might want to override are clear_game_state() and load_game_state() for saving and loading, and pause() and resume() for pausing. If you want to save persistent data, store it in the Dialogic.current_state_info dictionary.

6. Custom animations

What is an animation?

Portrait animations are scripts extending the DialogicAnimation class. The easiest way to register them is to have them in a subfolder of your module, and then add the following code to the file:

func _get_special_resources() -> Array[Dictionary]:
    # First argument is the sub-folder, the second specifies 
    # what kind of resource this is (needed for Dialogic)
	return list_special_resources('MySubFolder', &'PortraitAnimation')

Creating an animation

Animations are little scripts inheriting the DialogicAnimation class; you can take a look at the default ones (they use tweens) at dialogic/Modules/Character/DefaultAnimations.

Your animation script should look something like this (bounce_in, for example):

Animation Example Bounce

extends DialogicAnimation

func animate():
    var tween := (node.create_tween() as Tween)
    node.scale = Vector2()
    node.modulate.a = 0

    tween.tween_property(node, 'scale', Vector2(1,1), time).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SPRING).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)
    tween.tween_property(node, 'modulate:a', 1.0, time)


Be aware, you have to:

  • extend the DialogicAnimation class and implement the animate() method
  • at some point emit the finished_once signal; it's called like this because animations can be repeated by Dialogic

You have the following variables to work with:

  • node = the node to animate. This is NOT your portrait node directly, but a Node2D that holds that portrait node
  • time = the amount of time the animation should take
  • end_position = where to end the animation
  • orig_pos = the position you started at

Naming animations

Importantly, the name of your animation file will determine if it is a Join, Leave or Update animation! If it ends with _in or contains _in_ it is a Join animation; ending in _out or containing _out_ makes it a Leave animation, while all other names are considered Update animations (often called attention seekers in other software).

7. Custom dialogic nodes

What are dialogic nodes?

Dialogic nodes are nodes that, in some way, execute something visibly, logically or audibly. They are generally managed by a subsystem and are found because they are automatically added to a group. This makes sure it doesn't matter where they are in the scene tree or how many of them exist.

DialogicNodes does not need to be added to the file!

8. Custom Settings Pages

An extension might want to add a dialogic settings editor. This is just a UI scene that has a script inheriting DialogicSettingsPage.

  • Overwrite some methods (just the ones that you need)
    • _get_title()
    • _get_priority() -> return an integer that will influence the order of settings pages
    • _refresh() -> whenever the settings are opened
    • _about_to_close() -> whenever the settings editor closes
    • _get_info_section() -> return a node in your scene that will be used as an info section Settings are usually saved either
    • in the project settings in a subcategory of dialogic (e.g. dialogic/myextension/setting):
      • ProjectSettings.set_setting('dialogic/myextension/setting', some_value)
    • You can also save/load editor settings with DialogicUtil.set_editor_setting('setting', value) and DialogicUtil.get_editor_setting('setting').
      • These depend on the project
  • Remember that all scripts in this scene must be in @tool mode.

This page explains how the built-in glossary feature can be utilized.

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1. What is a glossary?

A glossary is a collection of terms with their definitions. It's a great way to keep track of your game's lore, characters, and more.

Some Visual Novels use a glossary to explain terms that may be unfamiliar to the player. For example, if your game is set in a fantasy world, you may want to explain the unique species that live in your world.

1.1 What does a Dialogic glossary do?

If a glossary contains keys, Dialogic will automatically use the name and alternatives properties of each glossary entry to highlight them and provide a tooltip with the definition if hovered over.

2. How do I translate glossaries?

Take a look at Translating Glossaries for more information.

3. Implementation


This section is aimed at programmers who may want to understand how the glossaries work under the hood.

A glossary is a text resource file (tres) and after each change to the glossary, it has to be saved to the disk or the changes won't persist.

Furthermore, it has an entries property, containing an Array of Dictionarys, whereas each Dictionary represents a glossary entry.

3.1 Translation ID

Once translated, each entry will have a unique _translation_id.
The _translation_id will be added to _translation_keys glossary property, mapping glossary name properties to their entry array index.

3.2 Alias Keys

An entry key is a unique identifier for a glossary entry, either a name, an alternative (alias), or an entry translation ID (CSV key).

The aliases are used to map the entry to the true glossary entry key, allowing the code to map the glossary word to its glossary entry.

Additionally, the entry's translation ID allows the code to map a translated glossary word to its translation ID and then to the glossary entry using the _translation_keys.
The glossary entry IDs are combined, using the glossary ID and then the entry ID. This matches the translation CSV keys for translated glossaries: Glossary/3b/6c/name.

3.2 Accessing glossary properties

As a rule of thumb, if you want to access the glossary from code, do not access the _ prefixed aforementioned properties: _translation_id, _translation_keys. They may change over the course of Dialogic's development.

Instead, look for the helper methods on DialogicGlossary.

3.3 How do I get all glossary paths?

You can use the following project setting to get all glossary files:

var glossary_paths: Array[String] = ProjectSettings.get_setting('dialogic/glossary/glossary_files', [])

This page explains how Dialogic allows you to translate timelines and other important parts of your dialogs.

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1. What is a translation?

Translation is a Godot and Dialogic 2 feature, allowing you to translate your game into multiple languages.

Sometimes, the word localization is used as well. Localization provides very specific regional considerations for each audience.
This includes not only the translation of the game, but also changes to the game itself to reflect specific cultural differences.

While Dialogic supports the translation of your timeline, it's better to focus on your game first and add translation later.
However, keeping translation and localization in mind is an excellent idea:

  • How will you handle variables?
  • Do you need the glossary?
  • What images do you want to localize?
  • Any features in mind that may complicate translation?


For now, Dialogic supports CSV translation only. Godot itself supports gettext as well.

1.1 What can Dialogic translate?

Dialogic can automatically translate your timelines, character names, and glossary entries.

2. How do I translate timelines?

In Dialogic, head to the Settings tab and take a look under the Translation section. Tick the "Enable Translation" checkbox.


2.1 Setting up translation

Let's walk through the settings! You will have to pick a default locale. This locale must be the language you write the timeline in. Additionally, this locale will be used as a fallback if no translation exists for a given translatable event. The "translation file mode" allows you to store all your timelines into one file (Per Project) or into multiple files (Per Timeline).

Setting up a translation folder is a good idea; it keeps your project clean and allows you to easily find your translation files.

2.2 Writing translations

First and foremost, you will need a timeline file. Dialogic will automatically find and generate CSV files for you after you hit the "Update CSV files" button.

The CSV format is simple, and you can open it with any spreadsheet software, like Excel or Google Sheets. Even VSCode offers extensions to edit the file.
The gist of CSV files is that each line represents a row, and each column is separated by a comma.

Once Dialogic has generated the CSV file, it may look like this:

Text/1/text,Hello World!"

The keys are locales; the en is the locale code for English. If you choose a different default locale, the locale code will be different.

You can add a new language for your game by adding a new column. The following example added "ja" for Japanese to the first row and translated the text in the second row. Pay attention to the commas!

Text/1/text,Hello World!,こんにちは世界!

That's it! You can now hit "Collect translation," and Dialogic will generate a translation file for you.
The translation file is a specific Godot file. Here is their official documentation: Internationalizing games


In CSV, you use commas to separate columns. However, if you want to use commas inside your text, you will have to wrap your text in quotation marks and escape any nested quotations.


Once you generated translation, if you change the text of a translated unit (text event, character name, or glossary entry), you must generate the translation again.

2.3 The Translation workflow

From now on, whenever you change the CSV file, you can hit "Collect translation" and Dialogic will update the translation files for you.
Once you are done editing your timeline, you will have to hit "Update CSV files" to update the CSV file.

To verify whether your timeline has properly inserted your text into the CSV, you can switch to the timeline Text editor. Obviously, you can check the CSV file too.

Character: Hello world! #id:14
Do you like Visual Novels? #id:15
- Yes, I do! #id:16
- No, I love them! #id:17
That's the spirit! #id:18

The #id tags at the end of each Text Event are the translation IDs. They won't be visible during text display; however,  Dialogic has inserted the text into a CSV file.

2.4 Translating Characters

Characters will be translated if they are part of a timeline. They will always get put into a per-project file. Their name and nick will be translated.

2.5 Translating Glossaries

Glossaries have a reserved property for translation: _translation_id.
They also have a reserved _translation_keys property, mapping translated words to the translation key.

These properties get automatically populated via the "Update CSV files" button.
Entries prefixed with _ (underscore) are considered private and will be ignored. Every other String property will be translated and put into the CSV.


The name and alternatives of a glossary entry must be unique, the same applies for the translated counterparts.
Otherwise, resolving the correct entry will be impossible.

Glossary names or alternatives may not start with Glossary/.

Once translation has been enabled, and you are testing another locale, glossaries won't fall back to the default locale when an entry property has not been translated.

2. Testing translation

If everything went well, you can select a different locale in the "Testing locale" dropdown.
Hit "Play Timeline" or "Run Project" and take a look at the translated text.
This setting is editor-only and may not work in exported projects.

3. Changing the Language

The translation process is handled by Godot!

To change the locale when your game is exported, use the Godot API method on the TranslationServer class:

# Japanese's language code is "ja"
Class Reference Index

All classes from the Dialogic 2 source code.

Class Reference Index

All event classes from the Dialogic 2 source code.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicBackgroundEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





const IMAGE = 0

No description available.

const CUSTOM = 1

No description available.

const DEFAULT = 0

No description available.

const CUSTOM = 1

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var scene = ""

The scene to use. If empty, this will default to the scene. This scene supports images and fading. If you set it to a scene path, then that scene will be instanced. Learn more about custom backgrounds in the docs.

var argument = ""

The argument that is passed to the background scene. For the default scene it's the path to the image to show.

var fade = 0.0

The time the fade animation will take. Leave at 0 for instant change.

var transition = ""

Name of the transition to use.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_transition_suggestions ( _filter: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCallEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent




Property Descriptions

var autoload_name = ""

The name of the autoload to call the method on.

var method = ""

The name of the method to call on the given autoload.

var arguments = []

A list of arguments to give to the call.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_autoload_suggestions ( filter: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_method_suggestions ( filter: String = "", temp_autoload: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func update_argument_info ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func check_arguments_and_update_warning ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacterEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





const JOIN = 0

No description available.

const LEAVE = 1

No description available.

const UPDATE = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var action = 0

The type of action of this event (JOIN/LEAVE/UPDATE). See .

var character = null

The character that will join/leave/update.

var portrait = ""

For Join/Update, this will be the portrait of the character that is shown. Not used on Leave. If empty, the default portrait will be used.

var transform = "center"

The index of the position this character should move to

var animation_name = ""

Name of the animation script (extending DialogicAnimation). On Join/Leave empty (default) will fallback to the animations set in the settings. On Update empty will mean no animation.

var animation_length = 0.5

Length of the animation.

var animation_repeats = 1

How often the animation is repeated. Only for Update events.

var animation_wait = false

If true, the events waits for the animation to finish before the next event starts.

var fade_animation = ""

The fade animation to use. If left empty, the default cross-fade animation AND time will be used.

var fade_length = 0.5

No description available.

var transform_time = 0.0

For Update only. If bigger then 0, the portrait will tween to the new position (if changed) in this time (in seconds).

var transform_ease = 2

No description available.

var transform_trans = 1

No description available.

var ease_options = [...]

No description available.

var trans_options = [...]

No description available.

var z_index = 0

The z_index that the portrait should have.

var mirrored = false

If true, the portrait will be set to mirrored.

var extra_data = ""

If set, will be passed to the portrait scene.

var set_portrait = false

Indicators for whether something should be updated (UPDATE mode only)

var set_transform = false

No description available.

var set_z_index = false

No description available.

var set_mirrored = false

No description available.

var character_identifier

Used to set the character resource from the unique name identifier and vice versa

var regex = create_from_string(...)

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func should_show_transform_options ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func should_show_animation_options ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func should_show_fade_options ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func should_show_portrait_selector ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func has_no_portraits ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_character_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_portrait_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_position_suggestions ( search_text: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_animation_suggestions ( search_text: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_fade_suggestions ( search_text: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func suggest_parameter ( parameter: String, line: String, TextNode: TextEdit ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func list_to_suggestions ( list: Array ) ⇒ Dictionary



This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicChoiceEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent

Event that allows adding choices. Needs to go after a text event (or another choices EndBranch).




const HIDE = 0

No description available.

const DISABLE = 1

No description available.

const DEFAULT = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var text = ""

Settings The text that is displayed on the choice button.

var condition = ""

If not empty this condition will determine if this choice is active.

var else_action = 2

Determines what happens if is false. Default will use the action set in the settings.

var disabled_text = ""

The text that is displayed if is false and is Disable. If empty will be used for disabled button as well.

var extra_data = {}

A dictionary that can be filled with arbitrary information This can then be interpreted by a custom choice layer

var regex = create_from_string(...)

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func get_end_branch_control ( ) ⇒ Control

No description available.

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func allow_alt_text ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCommentEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





Stringto_text ( )
voidfrom_text ( string: String )
boolis_valid_event ( string: String )
voidbuild_event_editor ( )

Property Descriptions

var text = ""

Content of the comment.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicConditionEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent

Event that allows branching a timeline based on a condition.




const IF = 0

No description available.

const ELIF = 1

No description available.

const ELSE = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var condition_type = 0

Settings condition type (see ). Defaults to if.

var condition = ""

The condition as a string. Will be executed as an Expression.

Method Descriptions

func should_execute_this_branch ( ) ⇒ bool

only called if the previous event was an end-branch event return true if this event should be executed if the previous event was an end-branch event

func get_end_branch_control ( ) ⇒ Control

No description available.

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicEndBranchEvent.


Inherits: Resource



intfind_next_index ( )
intfind_opening_index ( at_index: int )
Stringto_text ( )
voidfrom_text ( _string: String )
boolis_valid_event ( string: String )

Method Descriptions

func find_next_index ( ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func find_opening_index ( at_index: int ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

NOTE: This event is very special. It is rarely stored at all, as it is usually just a placeholder for removing an indentation level. When copying events however, some representation of this is necessary. That's why this is half-implemented.

func from_text ( _string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicEndTimelineEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent



Stringget_shortcode ( )
voidbuild_event_editor ( )

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicEvent.


Inherits: Resource

Base event class for all dialogic events. Implements basic properties, translation, shortcode saving and usefull methods for creating the editor UI.



voidexecute ( _dialogic_game_handler: Variant )
voidfinish ( )
Controlget_end_branch_control ( )
boolshould_execute_this_branch ( )
boolcan_be_translated ( )
Stringadd_translation_id ( )
voidremove_translation_id ( )
Stringget_property_translation_key ( property_name: String )
Stringget_property_translated ( property_name: String )
voidupdate_text_version ( )
Stringget_shortcode ( )
Dictionaryget_shortcode_parameters ( )
Stringto_text ( )
voidfrom_text ( string: String )
Stringstore_to_shortcode_parameters ( params: Dictionary = {} )
Stringvalue_to_string ( value: Variant, suggestions: Callable = Callable() )
voidload_from_shortcode_parameters ( string: String )
boolis_valid_event ( string: String )
boolis_string_full_event ( string: String )
Dictionaryparse_shortcode_parameters ( shortcode: String )
voidset_default_color ( value: Variant )
Arrayget_event_editor_info ( )
voidbuild_event_editor ( )
voidadd_header_label ( text: String, condition: String = "" )
voidadd_header_edit ( variable: String, editor_type: int = 16, extra_info: Dictionary = {}, condition: String = "" )
voidadd_header_button ( text: String, callable: Callable, tooltip: String, icon: Variant = null, condition: String = "" )
voidadd_body_edit ( variable: String, editor_type: int = 16, extra_info: Dictionary = {}, condition: String = "" )
voidadd_body_line_break ( condition: String = "" )


const HEADER = 0

No description available.

const BODY = 1

No description available.


No description available.


No description available.

const CONDITION = 2

No description available.

const FILE = 3

No description available.

const BOOL = 4

No description available.

const BOOL_BUTTON = 5

No description available.


No description available.


No description available.

const ARRAY = 8

No description available.

const DICTIONARY = 9

No description available.

const NUMBER = 10

No description available.

const VECTOR2 = 11

No description available.

const VECTOR3 = 12

No description available.

const VECTOR4 = 13

No description available.

const CUSTOM = 14

No description available.

const BUTTON = 15

No description available.

const LABEL = 16

No description available.

const COLOR = 17

No description available.


signal event_started ( event_resource: DialogicEvent )

Emmited when the event starts. The signal is emmited with the event resource event_resource[/code]

signal event_finished ( event_resource: DialogicEvent )

Emmited when the event finish. The signal is emmited with the event resource event_resource[/code]

signal ui_update_needed ( )

Singal that notifies the visual editor block to update

signal ui_update_warning ( text: String )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var event_name = "Event"

The event name that'll be displayed in the editor.

var dialogic = null

A reference to dialogic during execution, can be used the same as Dialogic (reference to the autoload)

var needs_indentation = false

If true this event can not be toplevel (e.g. Choice)

var can_contain_events = false

If true this event will spawn with an END BRANCH event and higher the indentation

var end_branch_event = null

If is true this is a reference to the end branch event

var wants_to_group = false

If this is true this event will group with other similar events (like choices do).

var event_node_as_text = ""

Stores the event in a text format. Does NOT automatically update.

var event_node_ready = false

Flags if the event has been processed or is only stored as text

var empty_lines_above = 0

How many empty lines are before this event

var event_color = Color(0.984314, 0.694118, 0.235294, 1)

The event color that event node will take in the editor

var dialogic_color_name = ""

If you are using the default color palette

var event_sorting_index = 0

To sort the buttons shown in the editor. Lower index is placed at the top of a category

var disable_editor_button = false

If true the event will not have a button in the visual editor sidebar

var expand_by_default = false

If false the event will hide it's body by default. Recommended for most events

var help_page_path = ""

The URL to open when right_click>Documentation is selected

var created_by_button = false

Is the event block created by a button?

var editor_node = null

Reference to the node, that represents this event. Only works while in visual editor mode. Use with care.

var event_category = "Other"

The categories and which one to put it in (in the visual editor sidebar)

var editor_list = []

List that stores the fields for the editor

var this_folder = get_base_dir()

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func execute ( _dialogic_game_handler: Variant ) ⇒ void

Executes the event behaviour. In subclasses (not this one) should be overriden!

func finish ( ) ⇒ void

Ends the event behaviour.

func get_end_branch_control ( ) ⇒ Control

to be overridden by sub-classes only called if can_contain_events is true. return a control node that should show on the END BRANCH node

func should_execute_this_branch ( ) ⇒ bool

to be overridden by sub-classes only called if can_contain_events is true and the previous event was an end-branch event return true if this event should be executed if the previous event was an end-branch event basically only important for the Condition event but who knows. Some day someone might need this.

func can_be_translated ( ) ⇒ bool

Returns true if there is any translatable properties on this event. Overwrite [_get_translatable_properties()] to change this.

func add_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

This is automatically called, no need to use this.

func remove_translation_id ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_property_translation_key ( property_name: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_property_translated ( property_name: String ) ⇒ String

Call this whenever you are using a translatable property

func update_text_version ( ) ⇒ void

Call this if you updated an event and want the changes to be saved.

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

If this uses the short-code format, return the shortcode.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

If this uses the short-code format, return the parameters and corresponding property names.

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

Returns a readable presentation of the event (This is how it's stored). By default it uses a shortcode format, but can be overridden.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

Loads the variables from the string stored by to_text. By default it uses the shortcode format, but can be overridden.

func store_to_shortcode_parameters ( params: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ String

Returns a string with all the shortcode parameters.

func value_to_string ( value: Variant, suggestions: Callable = Callable() ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func load_from_shortcode_parameters ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

Has to return true, if the given string can be interpreted as this event. By default it uses the shortcode formta, but can be overridden.

func is_string_full_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

has to return true if this string seems to be a full event of this kind (only tested if is_valid_event() returned true) if a shortcode it used it will default to true if the string ends with ']'

func parse_shortcode_parameters ( shortcode: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Used to get all the shortcode parameters in a string as a dictionary.

func set_default_color ( value: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_event_editor_info ( ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

to be overwritten by the sub_classes

func add_header_label ( text: String, condition: String = "" ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func add_header_edit ( variable: String, editor_type: int = 16, extra_info: Dictionary = {}, condition: String = "" ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func add_header_button ( text: String, callable: Callable, tooltip: String, icon: Variant = null, condition: String = "" ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func add_body_edit ( variable: String, editor_type: int = 16, extra_info: Dictionary = {}, condition: String = "" ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func add_body_line_break ( condition: String = "" ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicGlossaryEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent

############################################################################## INITIALIZE ##############################################################################


Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

############################################################################## SAVING/LOADING ##############################################################################

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicHistoryEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent






const CLEAR = 0

No description available.

const PAUSE = 1

No description available.

const RESUME = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var action = 1

The type of action: Clear, Pause or Resume

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicJumpEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent




Property Descriptions

var timeline

The timeline to jump to, if null then it's the current one. This setting should be a dialogic timeline resource.

var label_name = ""

If not empty, the event will try to find a Label event with this set as name. Empty by default..

var timeline_identifier = ""

Used to set the timeline resource from the unique name identifier and vice versa

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

############################################################################## SAVING/LOADING ##############################################################################

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_timeline_suggestions ( _filter: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_label_suggestions ( _filter: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicLabelEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





Property Descriptions

var name = ""

Used to identify the label. Duplicate names in a timeline will mean it always chooses the first.

var display_name = ""

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

############################################################################## SAVING/LOADING ##############################################################################

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.



This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicMusicEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent




Property Descriptions

var file_path = ""

The file to play. If empty, the previous music will be faded out.

var fade_length = 0.0

The length of the fade. If 0 (by default) it's an instant change.

var volume = 0.0

The volume the music will be played at.

var audio_bus = ""

The audio bus the music will be played at.

var loop = true

If true, the audio will loop, otherwise only play once.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_bus_suggestions ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.



This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicReturnEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent

############################################################################## INITIALIZE ##############################################################################


Stringto_text ( )
voidfrom_text ( _string: String )
boolis_valid_event ( string: String )
voidbuild_event_editor ( )

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

############################################################################## SAVING/LOADING ##############################################################################

func from_text ( _string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicSaveEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





Property Descriptions

var slot_name = ""

The name of the slot to save to. Learn more in the saving subsystem. If empty, the event will attempt to save to the latest slot, and otherwise use the default.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicSettingEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent






const SET = 0

No description available.

const RESET = 1

No description available.

const RESET_ALL = 2

No description available.

const STRING = 0

No description available.

const NUMBER = 1

No description available.

const VARIABLE = 2

No description available.

const EXPRESSION = 3

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var name = ""

The name of the setting to save to.

var value = ""

No description available.

var mode = 0

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_settings_suggestions ( filter: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_value_suggestions ( _filter: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicSignalEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent






const STRING = 0

No description available.

const DICTIONARY = 1

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var argument_type = 0

No description available.

var argument = ""

The argument that will be provided with the signal.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicSoundEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent




Property Descriptions

var file_path = ""

The path to the file to play.

var volume = 0.0

The volume to play the sound at.

var audio_bus = ""

The bus to play the sound on.

var loop = false

If true, the sound will loop infinitely. Not recommended (as there is no way to stop it).

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_bus_suggestions ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicStyleEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





Property Descriptions

var style_name = ""

The name of the style to change to. Can be set on the DialogicNode_Style.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

############################################################################## SAVING/LOADING ##############################################################################

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_style_suggestions ( _filter: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicTextEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





const REVEALING = 0

No description available.

const IDLE = 1

No description available.

const DONE = 2

No description available.


signal advance ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var text = ""

This is the content of the text event. It is supposed to be displayed by a DialogicNode_DialogText node. That means you can use bbcode, but also some custom commands.

var character = null

If this is not null, the given character (as a resource) will be associated with this event. The DialogicNode_NameLabel will show the characters display_name. If a typing sound is setup, it will play.

var portrait = ""

If a character is set, this setting can change the portrait of that character.

var character_identifier

Used to set the character resource from the unique name identifier and vice versa

var regex = create_from_string(...)

No description available.

var split_regex = create_from_string(...)

No description available.

var state = 1

No description available.

var completion_text_character_getter_regex = new()

No description available.

var completion_text_effects = {}

No description available.

var text_effects = ""

No description available.

var text_effects_regex = new()

No description available.

var text_random_word_regex = new()

No description available.

var text_effect_color = Color(0.537255, 0.509804, 0.462745, 1)

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( _string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func is_string_full_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func should_show_portrait_selector ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func do_any_characters_exist ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_character_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_portrait_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func suggest_bbcode ( TextNode: CodeEdit ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_text_effects ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicTextInputEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent



textString"Please enter some text:"


Property Descriptions

var text = "Please enter some text:"

The promt to be shown.

var variable = ""

The name/path of the variable to set.

var placeholder = ""

The placeholder text to show in the line edit.

var default = ""

The value that should be in the line edit by default.

var allow_empty = false

If true, the player can continue if nothing is entered.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_var_suggestions ( filter: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicVariableEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





const SET = 0

No description available.

const ADD = 1

No description available.

const SUBSTRACT = 2

No description available.

const MULTIPLY = 3

No description available.

const DIVIDE = 4

No description available.

const STRING = 0

No description available.

const NUMBER = 1

No description available.

const VARIABLE = 2

No description available.

const BOOL = 3

No description available.

const EXPRESSION = 4

No description available.


No description available.

Property Descriptions

var name = ""

Name/Path of the variable that should be changed.

var operation = 0

The operation to perform.

var value = ""

The value that is used. Can be a variable as well.

var random_min = 0

If true, a random number between and is used instead of .

var random_max = 100

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_var_suggestions ( filter: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_value_suggestions ( _filter: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func update_editor_warning ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicVoiceEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





Property Descriptions

var file_path = ""

The path to the sound file.

var volume = 0.0

The volume the sound will be played at.

var audio_bus = "Master"

The audio bus to play the sound on.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicWaitEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





Property Descriptions

var time = 1.0

The time in seconds that the event will stop before continuing.

var hide_text = true

If true the text box will be hidden while the event waits.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicWaitInputEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent

############################################################################## SAVING/LOADING ##############################################################################




Property Descriptions

var hide_textbox = true

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func get_shortcode ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

Subsystem Class Reference Index

All subsystems from the Dialogic 2.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Audio.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem for managing background music and one-shot sound effects.


This subsystem has many different helper methods for managing audio in your timeline. For instance, you can listen to music changes via music_started.



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
voidupdate_music ( path: String = "", volume: float = 0.0, audio_bus: String = "", fade_time: float = 0.0, loop: bool = true )
boolhas_music ( )
voidplay_sound ( path: String, volume: float = 0.0, audio_bus: String = "", loop: bool = false )
voidstop_all_sounds ( )
voidinterpolate_volume_linearly ( value: float, node: Node )
boolis_music_playing_resource ( resource_path: String )


signal music_started ( info: Dictionary )

Whenever a new background music is started, this signal is emitted and contains a dictionary with the following keys:

KeyValue TypeValue
pathStringThe path to the audio resource file.
volumefloatThe volume of the audio resource that will be set to the base_music_player.
audio_busStringThe audio bus name that the base_music_player will use.
loopboolWhether the audio resource will loop or not once it finishes playing.

signal sound_started ( info: Dictionary )

Whenever a new sound effect is set, this signal is emitted and contains a dictionary with the following keys:

KeyValue TypeValue
pathStringThe path to the audio resource file.
volumefloatThe volume of the audio resource that will be set to base_sound_player.
audio_busStringThe audio bus name that the base_sound_player will use.
loopboolWhether the audio resource will loop or not once it finishes playing.

Property Descriptions

var base_music_player = new()

Audio player base duplicated to play background music. Background music is long audio.

var current_music_player

Reference to the last used music player.

var base_sound_player = new()

Audio player base, that will be duplicated to play sound effects. Sound effects are short audio.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Clears the state on this subsystem and stops all audio. If you want to stop sounds only, use stop_all_sounds.

func load_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Loads the state on this subsystem from the current state info.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

Pauses playing audio.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

Resumes playing audio.

func update_music ( path: String = "", volume: float = 0.0, audio_bus: String = "", fade_time: float = 0.0, loop: bool = true ) ⇒ void

Updates the background music. Will fade out previous music.

func has_music ( ) ⇒ bool

Whether music is playing.

func play_sound ( path: String, volume: float = 0.0, audio_bus: String = "", loop: bool = false ) ⇒ void

Plays a given sound file.

func stop_all_sounds ( ) ⇒ void

Stops all audio.

func interpolate_volume_linearly ( value: float, node: Node ) ⇒ void

Converts a linear loudness value to decibel and sets that volume to the given node.

func is_music_playing_resource ( resource_path: String ) ⇒ bool

Returns whether the currently playing audio resource is the same as this event's resource_path.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Backgrounds.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem for managing backgrounds.


This subsystem has many different helper methods for managing backgrounds. For instance, you can listen to background changes via background_changed.




voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 )
voidupdate_background ( scene: String = "", argument: String = "", fade_time: float = 0.0, transition_path: String = default_transition, force: bool = false )
SubViewportContaineradd_background_node ( scene: PackedScene, parent: DialogicNode_BackgroundHolder )
boolhas_background ( )


signal background_changed ( info: Dictionary )

Whenever a new background is set, this signal is emitted and contains a dictionary with the following keys:

KeyValue TypeValue
sceneStringThe scene path of the new background.
argumentStringInformation given to the background on its update routine.
fade_timefloatThe time the background may take to transition in.
same_sceneboolIf the new background uses the same Godot scene.

Property Descriptions

var default_background_scene = load(...)

The default background scene Dialogic will use.

var default_transition = path_join(...)

The default transition Dialogic will use.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Empties the current background state.

func load_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Loads the background state from the current state info.

func update_background ( scene: String = "", argument: String = "", fade_time: float = 0.0, transition_path: String = default_transition, force: bool = false ) ⇒ void

Method that adds a given scene as child of the DialogicNode_BackgroundHolder. It will call [_update_background()] on that scene with the given argument . It will call [_fade_in()] on that scene with the given fade time. Will call fade_out on previous backgrounds scene. If the scene is the same as the last background you can bypass another instantiating and use the same scene. To do so implement [_should_do_background_update()] on the custom background scene. Then [_update_background()] will be called directly on that previous scene.

func add_background_node ( scene: PackedScene, parent: DialogicNode_BackgroundHolder ) ⇒ SubViewportContainer

Adds sub-viewport with the given background scene as child to Dialogic scene.

func has_background ( ) ⇒ bool

Whether a background is set.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Portraits.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Emitted when a portrait starts animating.




voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
DialogicPortraitget_character_portrait ( character: DialogicCharacter )
boolz_sort_portrait_containers ( con1: DialogicNode_PortraitContainer, con2: DialogicNode_PortraitContainer )
Stringget_valid_portrait ( character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String )
Nodejoin_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String, position_id: String, mirrored: bool = false, z_index: int = 0, extra_data: String = "", animation_name: String = "", animation_length: float = 0.0, animation_wait: bool = false )
Nodeadd_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, container: DialogicNode_PortraitContainer, portrait: String, position_id: String )
voidchange_character_portrait ( character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String, fade_animation: String = "DEFAULT", fade_length: float = -1.0 )
voidchange_character_mirror ( character: DialogicCharacter, mirrored: bool = false, force: bool = false )
voidchange_character_z_index ( character: DialogicCharacter, z_index: int, update_zindex: bool = true )
voidchange_character_extradata ( character: DialogicCharacter, extra_data: String = "" )
DialogicAnimationanimate_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, animation_path: String, length: float, repeats: int = 1, is_reversed: bool = false )
voidmove_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, position_id: String, time: float = 0.0, easing: int = 2, trans: int = 1 )
voidleave_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, animation_name: String = "", animation_length: float = 0.0, animation_wait: bool = false )
voidleave_all_characters ( animation_name: String = "", animation_length: float = 0.0, animation_wait: bool = false )
Nodeget_character_node ( character: DialogicCharacter )
voidremove_character ( character: DialogicCharacter )
DialogicCharacterget_current_character ( )
boolis_character_joined ( character: DialogicCharacter )
DialogicCharacter[]get_joined_characters ( )
Dictionaryget_character_info ( character: DialogicCharacter )
voidchange_speaker ( speaker: DialogicCharacter = null, portrait: String = "" )
voidtext_effect_portrait ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String )


signal character_joined ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal character_left ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal character_portrait_changed ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal character_moved ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var default_portrait_scene = load(...)

The default portrait scene.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_character_portrait ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ DialogicPortrait

Checks if [para, character] has joined the scene, if so, returns its active node. The difference between an active and inactive nodes is whether the node is the latest node. If a portrait is fading/animating from portrait A and B, both will exist in the scene, but only the new portrait is active, even if it is not fully visible yet.

func z_sort_portrait_containers ( con1: DialogicNode_PortraitContainer, con2: DialogicNode_PortraitContainer ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_valid_portrait ( character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String ) ⇒ String

Checks multiple cases to return a valid portrait to use.

func join_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String, position_id: String, mirrored: bool = false, z_index: int = 0, extra_data: String = "", animation_name: String = "", animation_length: float = 0.0, animation_wait: bool = false ) ⇒ Node

Adds a character at a position and sets it's portrait. If the character is already joined it will only update, portrait, position, etc.

func add_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, container: DialogicNode_PortraitContainer, portrait: String, position_id: String ) ⇒ Node

No description available.

func change_character_portrait ( character: DialogicCharacter, portrait: String, fade_animation: String = "DEFAULT", fade_length: float = -1.0 ) ⇒ void

Changes the portrait of a character. Only works with joined characters.

func change_character_mirror ( character: DialogicCharacter, mirrored: bool = false, force: bool = false ) ⇒ void

Changes the mirror of the given character. Only works with joined characters

func change_character_z_index ( character: DialogicCharacter, z_index: int, update_zindex: bool = true ) ⇒ void

Changes the z_index of a character. Only works with joined characters

func change_character_extradata ( character: DialogicCharacter, extra_data: String = "" ) ⇒ void

Changes the extra data on the given character. Only works with joined characters

func animate_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, animation_path: String, length: float, repeats: int = 1, is_reversed: bool = false ) ⇒ DialogicAnimation

Starts the given animation on the given character. Only works with joined characters

func move_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, position_id: String, time: float = 0.0, easing: int = 2, trans: int = 1 ) ⇒ void

Moves the given character to the given position. Only works with joined characters

func leave_character ( character: DialogicCharacter, animation_name: String = "", animation_length: float = 0.0, animation_wait: bool = false ) ⇒ void

Removes a character with a given animation or the default animation.

func leave_all_characters ( animation_name: String = "", animation_length: float = 0.0, animation_wait: bool = false ) ⇒ void

Removes all joined characters with a given animation or the default animation.

func get_character_node ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ Node

Finds the character node for a character. Return null if the character is not part of the scene.

func remove_character ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ void

Removes the given characters portrait. Only works with joined characters.

func get_current_character ( ) ⇒ DialogicCharacter

No description available.

func is_character_joined ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ bool

Returns true if the given character is currently joined.

func get_joined_characters ( ) ⇒ DialogicCharacter[]

Returns a list of the joined charcters (as resources)

func get_character_info ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ Dictionary

Returns a dictionary with info on a given character. Keys can be [joined, character, node (for the portrait node), position_id] Only joined is included (and false) for not joined characters

func change_speaker ( speaker: DialogicCharacter = null, portrait: String = "" ) ⇒ void

Updates all portrait containers set to SPEAKER.

func text_effect_portrait ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

Called from the [portrait=something] text effect.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Choices.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that manages showing and activating of choices.




const HIDE = 0

No description available.

const DISABLE = 1

No description available.

const NONE = 0

No description available.

const NUMBERS = 1

No description available.


signal choice_selected ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted when a choice button was pressed. Info includes the keys 'button_index', 'text', 'event_index'.

signal question_shown ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted when a set of choices is reached and shown. Info includes the keys 'choices' (an array of dictionaries with infos on all the choices).

Property Descriptions

var last_question_info = {}

Contains information on the latest question.

var reveal_delay = 0.0

The delay between the text finishing revealing and the choices appearing

var reveal_by_input = false

If true the player has to click to reveal choices when they are reached

var block_delay = 0.2

The delay between the choices becoming visible and being clickable. Can prevent accidental selection.

var autofocus_first_choice = true

If true, the first (top-most) choice will be focused

var default_false_behaviour = 0

The behaviour of choices with a false condition and else_action set to DEFAULT.

var hotkey_behaviour = 0

Will add some hotkeys to the choices if different then HotkeyBehaviour.NONE.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func hide_all_choices ( ) ⇒ void

Hides all choice buttons.

func get_current_question_info ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

Collects information on all the choices of the current question. The result is a dictionary like this: {'choices': [ {'event_index':10, 'button_index':1, 'disabled':false, 'text':"My Choice", 'visible':true}, {'event_index':15, 'button_index':2, 'disabled':false, 'text':"My Choice2", 'visible':true}, ]

func show_current_question ( instant: bool = true ) ⇒ void

Lists all current choices and shows buttons.

func get_choice_button_node ( button_index: int ) ⇒ DialogicNode_ChoiceButton

No description available.

func get_current_choice_indexes ( ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func is_question ( index: int ) ⇒ bool

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Animation.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem





voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
boolis_animating ( )
voidstart_animating ( )
voidanimation_finished ( _arg: String = "" )
voidstop_animation ( )


signal finished ( )

No description available.

signal animation_interrupted ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var prev_state = 0

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_animating ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func start_animating ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func animation_finished ( _arg: String = "" ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func stop_animation ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Expression.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem





Variantexecute_string ( string: String, default: Variant = null, no_warning: bool = false )
boolexecute_condition ( condition: String )
Stringmodifier_condition ( text: String )
Arrayd_range ( a1: Variant, a2: Variant = null, a3: Variant = null, a4: Variant = null )
intd_len ( arg: Variant )
boold_regex ( input: String, pattern: String, offset: int = 0, end: int = -1 )

Property Descriptions

var condition_modifier_regex = create_from_string(...)

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func execute_string ( string: String, default: Variant = null, no_warning: bool = false ) ⇒ Variant

No description available.

func execute_condition ( condition: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func modifier_condition ( text: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func d_range ( a1: Variant, a2: Variant = null, a3: Variant = null, a4: Variant = null ) ⇒ Array


func d_len ( arg: Variant ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func d_regex ( input: String, pattern: String, offset: int = 0, end: int = -1 ) ⇒ bool

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Input.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that handles input, Auto-Advance, and skipping.


This subsystem can be accessed via GDScript: Dialogic.Inputs.



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
voidpost_install ( )
voidhandle_input ( )
boolis_input_pressed ( event: InputEvent, exact: bool = false )
voidhandle_node_gui_input ( event: InputEvent )
boolis_input_blocked ( )
voidblock_input ( time: float = 0.1 )
voidstop_timers ( )
voidstart_autoskip_timer ( )
voideffect_input ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, _argument: String )
voideffect_noskip ( text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String )
voideffect_autoadvance ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String )


signal dialogic_action_priority ( )

No description available.

signal dialogic_action ( )

No description available.

signal autoskip_timer_finished ( )

Whenever the Auto-Skip timer finishes, this signal is emitted. Configure Auto-Skip settings via auto_skip.

Property Descriptions

var input_block_timer = new()

No description available.

var action_was_consumed = false

No description available.

var auto_skip = null

No description available.

var auto_advance = null

No description available.

var manual_advance = null

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func post_install ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func handle_input ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_input_pressed ( event: InputEvent, exact: bool = false ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func handle_node_gui_input ( event: InputEvent ) ⇒ void

This is called from the gui_input of the InputCatcher and DialogText nodes

func is_input_blocked ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func block_input ( time: float = 0.1 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func stop_timers ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func start_autoskip_timer ( ) ⇒ void

This method will advance the timeline based on Auto-Skip settings. The state, whether Auto-Skip is enabled, is ignored.

func effect_input ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, _argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func effect_noskip ( text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func effect_autoadvance ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Glossary.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that handles glossaries.



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
Stringparse_glossary ( text: String )
voidadd_glossary ( path: String )
DialogicGlossaryfind_glossary ( entry_key: String )
Dictionaryget_entry ( entry_key: String )
Stringtranslate ( tr_base: String, property: StringName, fallback_entry: Dictionary )


const SETTING_DEFAULT_COLOR = "dialogic/glossary/default_color"

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var glossaries = []

List of glossary resources that are used.

var enabled = true

If false, no parsing will be done.

var color_overrides = {}

Any key in this dictionary will overwrite the color for any item with that name.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func parse_glossary ( text: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func add_glossary ( path: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func find_glossary ( entry_key: String ) ⇒ DialogicGlossary

Iterates over all glossaries and returns the first one that matches the entry_key. Runtime complexity: O(n), where n is the number of glossaries.

func get_entry ( entry_key: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Returns the first match for a given entry key. If translation is available and enabled, it will be translated

func translate ( tr_base: String, property: StringName, fallback_entry: Dictionary ) ⇒ String

Tries to translate the property with the given


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_History.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that manages history storing.



voidpost_install ( )
voidclear_game_state ( clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 )
voidsave_game_state ( )
voidopen_history ( )
voidclose_history ( )
voidstore_simple_history_entry ( text: String, event_type: String, extra_info: Dictionary = {} )
Arrayget_simple_history ( )
voidstore_full_event ( event: DialogicEvent )
voidmark_event_as_visited ( event_index: int = <unknown>, timeline: DialogicTimeline = <unknown> )
boolhas_last_event_been_visited ( )
boolhas_event_been_visited ( event_index: int = <unknown>, timeline: DialogicTimeline = <unknown> )
voidsave_visited_history ( )
voidload_visited_history ( )
Dictionaryget_saved_visited_history ( )
voidreset_visited_history ( reset_property: bool = true )


signal open_requested ( )

No description available.

signal close_requested ( )

No description available.

signal simple_history_changed ( )

No description available.

signal full_event_history_changed ( )

Emitted if a new event has been inserted into the full event history.

signal visited_event ( )

Emitted if an encountered timeline event has been inserted into the visited event history. This will trigger only once per unique event instance.

signal unvisited_event ( )

Emitted if an encountered timeline event has not been visited before.

Property Descriptions

var simple_history_enabled = false

Simple history that stores limited information Used for the history display

var simple_history_save = false

No description available.

var simple_history_content = []

No description available.

var full_event_history_enabled = false

Whether to keep a history of every Dialogic event encountered.

var full_event_history_save = false

No description available.

var full_event_history_content = []

The full history of all Dialogic events encountered. Requires full_event_history_enabled to be true.

var visited_event_history_enabled = false

Read text history Stores which text events and choices have already been visited

var visited_event_history_content = {}

A history of visited Dialogic events.

var visited_event_save_key = "visited_event_history_content"

Used to store visited_event_history_content in the global info file. You can change this to a custom name if you want to use a different key in the global save info file.

var save_visited_history_on_autosave = false

Whether to automatically save the already-visited history on auto-save.

var save_visited_history_on_save = false

Whether to automatically save the already-visited history on manual save.

Method Descriptions

func post_install ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func clear_game_state ( clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func save_game_state ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func open_history ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func close_history ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func store_simple_history_entry ( text: String, event_type: String, extra_info: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_simple_history ( ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func store_full_event ( event: DialogicEvent ) ⇒ void

Called on each event.

func mark_event_as_visited ( event_index: int = <unknown>, timeline: DialogicTimeline = <unknown> ) ⇒ void

Called if an event is marked as visited.

func has_last_event_been_visited ( ) ⇒ bool

Whether the last event has been visited for the first time or not. This will return true exactly once for each unique timeline event instance.

func has_event_been_visited ( event_index: int = <unknown>, timeline: DialogicTimeline = <unknown> ) ⇒ bool

If called with with no arguments, the method will return whether the last encountered event was visited before. Otherwise, if event_index and timeline are passed, the method will check if the event from that given timeline has been visited yet. If no timeline is passed, the current timeline will be used. If there is no current timeline, false will be returned. If no event_index is passed, the current event index will be used.

func save_visited_history ( ) ⇒ void

Saves all seen events to the global info file. This can be useful when the player saves the game. In visual novels, callings this at the end of a route can be useful, as the player may not save the game. Be aware, this won't add any events but completely overwrite the already saved ones. Relies on the Save subsystem.

func load_visited_history ( ) ⇒ void

Loads the seen events from the global info save file. Calling this when a game gets loaded may be useful. Relies on the Save subsystem.

func get_saved_visited_history ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

Returns the saved already-visited history from the global info save file. If none exist in the global info file, returns an empty dictionary. Relies on the Save subsystem.

func reset_visited_history ( reset_property: bool = true ) ⇒ void

Resets the already-visited history in the global info save file. If reset_property is true, it will also reset the already-visited history in the Dialogic Autoload. Relies on the Save subsystem.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Jump.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 )
voidjump_to_label ( label: String )
voidpush_to_jump_stack ( )
voidresume_from_last_jump ( )
boolis_jump_stack_empty ( )
Stringget_last_label_identifier ( )
Stringget_last_label_name ( )


signal switched_timeline ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal jumped_to_label ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal returned_from_jump ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal passed_label ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func jump_to_label ( label: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func push_to_jump_stack ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func resume_from_last_jump ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_jump_stack_empty ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_last_label_identifier ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the identifier name of the last passed label

func get_last_label_name ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the display name of the last passed label (translated if translation are enabled)


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Save.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem to save and load game states.


This subsystem has many different helper methods to save Dialogic or custom game data to named save slots. You can listen to saves via saved. \ If you want to save, you can call save.



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
intsave ( slot_name: String = "", is_autosave: bool = false, thumbnail_mode: int = 1, slot_info: Dictionary = {} )
intload ( slot_name: String = "" )
intsave_file ( slot_name: String, file_name: String, data: Variant )
Variantload_file ( slot_name: String, file_name: String, default: Variant )
intset_global_info ( key: String, value: Variant )
Variantget_global_info ( key: String, default: Variant )
Stringget_encryption_password ( )
String[]get_slot_names ( )
boolhas_slot ( slot_name: String )
intdelete_slot ( slot_name: String )
intadd_empty_slot ( slot_name: String )
intreset_slot ( slot_name: String = "" )
Stringget_slot_path ( slot_name: String )
Stringget_default_slot ( )
Stringget_latest_slot ( )
intset_latest_slot ( slot_name: String )
intset_slot_info ( slot_name: String, info: Dictionary )
Dictionaryget_slot_info ( slot_name: String = "" )
voidtake_thumbnail ( )
intsave_slot_thumbnail ( slot_name: String )
ImageTextureget_slot_thumbnail ( slot_name: String )
intperform_autosave ( )


const SAVE_SLOTS_DIR = "user://dialogic/saves/"

No description available.

const AUTO_SAVE_SETTINGS = "dialogic/save/autosave"

No description available.

const AUTO_SAVE_MODE_SETTINGS = "dialogic/save/autosave_mode"

No description available.

const AUTO_SAVE_TIME_SETTINGS = "dialogic/save/autosave_delay"

No description available.

const NONE = 0

No description available.

const TAKE_AND_STORE = 1

No description available.

const STORE_ONLY = 2

No description available.


No description available.

const ON_TIMER = 1

No description available.

const ON_TEXT_EVENT = 2

No description available.


signal saved ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted when a save happened with the following info: Key | Value Type | Value ----------- | ------------- | ----- slot_name | String | The name of the slot that the game state was saved to. is_autosave | bool | true, if the save was an autosave.

Property Descriptions

var latest_thumbnail = null

No description available.

var autosave_enabled = false

Whether the auto-save feature is enabled. The initial value can be set in the project settings via th Dialogic editor. This can be toggled during the game.

var autosave_mode = 0

Under what conditions the auto-save feature will trigger if autosave_enabled is true.

var autosave_time = 60

After what time interval the auto-save feature will trigger if autosave_enabled is true and autosave_mode is AutoSaveMode.ON_TIMER.

var autosave_timer = new()

################################################################################################## Reference to the autosave timer.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Built-in, called by DialogicGameHandler.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

Built-in, called by DialogicGameHandler.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

Built-in, called by DialogicGameHandler.

func save ( slot_name: String = "", is_autosave: bool = false, thumbnail_mode: int = 1, slot_info: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ int

Saves the current state to the given slot. If no slot is given, the default slot is used. You can change this name in the Dialogic editor. If you want to save to the last used slot, you can get its slot name with the [method get_latest_slot()] method.

func load ( slot_name: String = "" ) ⇒ int

Loads all info from the given slot in the DialogicGameHandler (Dialogic Autoload). If no slot is given, the default slot is used. To check if something is saved in that slot use has_slot(). If the slot does not exist, this method will fail.

func save_file ( slot_name: String, file_name: String, data: Variant ) ⇒ int

Saves a variable to a file in the given slot. Be aware, the slot_name will be used as a filesystem folder name. Some operating systems do not support every character in folder names. It is recommended to use only letters, numbers, and underscores. This method allows you to build your own save and load system. You may be looking for the simple save method to save the game state.

func load_file ( slot_name: String, file_name: String, default: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Loads a file using slot_name and returns the contained info. This method allows you to build your own save and load system. You may be looking for the simple load method to load the game state.

func set_global_info ( key: String, value: Variant ) ⇒ int

Data set in global info can be accessed unrelated to the save slots. For instance, you may want to store game settings in here, as they affect the game globally unrelated to the slot used.

func get_global_info ( key: String, default: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Access the data unrelated to a save slot. First, the data must have been set with set_global_info.

func get_encryption_password ( ) ⇒ String

Gets the encryption password from the project settings if it has been set. If no password has been set, an empty string is returned.

func get_slot_names ( ) ⇒ String[]

################################################################################################## Returns a list of all available slots. Useful for iterating over all slots, e.g., when building a UI with all save slots.

func has_slot ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ bool

Returns true if the given slot exists.

func delete_slot ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ int

Removes all the given slot along with all it's info/files.

func add_empty_slot ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ int

This adds a new save folder with the given name

func reset_slot ( slot_name: String = "" ) ⇒ int

Reset the state of the given save folder (or default)

func get_slot_path ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ String

Returns the full path to the given slot folder

func get_default_slot ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the default slot name defined in the dialogic settings

func get_latest_slot ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the latest slot or empty if nothing was saved yet

func set_latest_slot ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func set_slot_info ( slot_name: String, info: Dictionary ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func get_slot_info ( slot_name: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func take_thumbnail ( ) ⇒ void

This method creates a thumbnail of the current game view, it allows to save the game without having the UI on the save slot image. The thumbnail will be stored in latest_thumbnail. Call this method before opening your save & load menu. After that, call save with [constant ThumbnailMode.STORE_ONLY]. The save will automatically use the stored thumbnail.

func save_slot_thumbnail ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ int

No need to call from outside. Used to store the latest thumbnail to the given slot.

func get_slot_thumbnail ( slot_name: String ) ⇒ ImageTexture

Returns the thumbnail of the given slot.

func perform_autosave ( ) ⇒ int

Perform an autosave. This method will be called automatically if the auto-save mode is enabled.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Settings.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem





voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
Variantget_setting ( property: StringName, default: Variant )
boolhas_setting ( property: StringName )
voidreset_all ( )
voidreset_setting ( property: StringName )
voidconnect_to_change ( property: StringName, callable: Callable )

Property Descriptions

var settings = {}

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Built-in, called by DialogicGameHandler.

func get_setting ( property: StringName, default: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Get a setting named property, if it does not exist, falls back to default.

func has_setting ( property: StringName ) ⇒ bool

Whether a setting has been set/stored before.

func reset_all ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func reset_setting ( property: StringName ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func connect_to_change ( property: StringName, callable: Callable ) ⇒ void

If a setting named property changes its value, this will emit Callable.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Styles.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 )
Nodechange_style ( style_name: String = "", is_base_style: bool = true )
Nodeload_style ( style_name: String = "", parent: Node = null, is_base_style: bool = true, state_reload: bool = false )
DialogicLayoutBasecreate_layout ( style: DialogicStyle, parent: Node = null )
voidreload_current_info_into_new_style ( )
Stringget_current_style ( )
boolhas_active_layout_node ( )
Nodeget_layout_node ( )
Nodeget_first_node_in_layout ( group_name: String )


signal style_changed ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func change_style ( style_name: String = "", is_base_style: bool = true ) ⇒ Node

This helper method calls load_style, but with the state_reload as true, which is commonly wanted if you expect a game to already be in progress.

func load_style ( style_name: String = "", parent: Node = null, is_base_style: bool = true, state_reload: bool = false ) ⇒ Node

Loads a style. Consider using the simpler change_style if you want to change the style while another style is already in use. If state_reload is true, the current state will be loaded into a new layout scenes nodes. That should not be done before calling start() or load() as it would be unnecessary or cause double-loading.

func create_layout ( style: DialogicStyle, parent: Node = null ) ⇒ DialogicLayoutBase

Method that adds a layout scene with all the necessary layers. The layout scene will be added to the tree root and returned.

func reload_current_info_into_new_style ( ) ⇒ void

When changing to a different layout scene, we have to load all the info from the current_state_info (basically

func get_current_style ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the style currently in use

func has_active_layout_node ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_layout_node ( ) ⇒ Node

No description available.

func get_first_node_in_layout ( group_name: String ) ⇒ Node

Similar to get_tree().get_first_node_in_group('group_name') but filtered to the active layout node subtree


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Text.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that handles showing of dialog text (+text effects & modifiers), name label, and next indicator



voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 )
voidpost_install ( )
Stringparse_text ( text: String, type: int = 0, variables: bool = true, glossary: bool = true, modifiers: bool = true, effects: bool = true, color_names: bool = true )
voidupdate_textbox ( text: String, instant: bool = false )
Stringupdate_dialog_text ( text: String, instant: bool = false, additional: bool = false )
voidupdate_name_label ( character: DialogicCharacter )
voidupdate_typing_sound_mood ( mood: Dictionary = {} )
voidshow_textbox ( instant: bool = false )
voidhide_textbox ( instant: bool = false )
boolis_textbox_visible ( )
voidshow_next_indicators ( question: bool = false, autoadvance: bool = false )
voidhide_next_indicators ( _fake_arg: Variant = null )
voidset_text_voice_synced ( enabled: bool = true )
boolis_text_voice_synced ( )
voidupdate_text_speed ( letter_speed: float = -1.0, absolute: bool = false, speed_multiplier: float = _speed_multiplier, user_speed: float = get_setting(...) )
voidset_text_reveal_skippable ( skippable: bool = true, temp: bool = false )
boolis_text_reveal_skippable ( )
voidskip_text_reveal ( )
voidcollect_text_effects ( )
Stringparse_text_effects ( text: String )
voidexecute_effects ( current_index: int, text_node: Control, skipping: bool = false )
voidcollect_text_modifiers ( )
Stringparse_text_modifiers ( text: String, type: int = 0 )
Stringget_character_name_parsed ( character: DialogicCharacter )
DialogicCharacterget_current_speaker ( )
voidconnect_meta_signals ( text_node: Node )
voidemit_meta_signal ( meta: Variant, sig: String )
Stringcolor_character_names ( text: String )
voidcollect_character_names ( )
boolsort_by_length ( a: String, b: String )
voideffect_pause ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String )
voideffect_speed ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String )
voideffect_lspeed ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String )
voideffect_signal ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String )
voideffect_mood ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String )
Stringmodifier_random_selection ( text: String )
Stringmodifier_break ( text: String )
Stringmodifier_autopauses ( text: String )


const ALL = -1

No description available.

const TEXT_ONLY = 0

No description available.

const CHOICES_ONLY = 1

No description available.

const DIALOG_TEXT = 0

No description available.

const CHOICE_TEXT = 1

No description available.


signal about_to_show_text ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal text_finished ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

signal speaker_updated ( character: DialogicCharacter )

No description available.

signal textbox_visibility_changed ( visible: bool )

No description available.

signal animation_textbox_new_text ( )

No description available.

signal animation_textbox_show ( )

No description available.

signal animation_textbox_hide ( )

No description available.

signal meta_hover_ended ( meta: Variant )

No description available.

signal meta_hover_started ( meta: Variant )

No description available.

signal meta_clicked ( meta: Variant )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var character_colors = {}

No description available.

var color_regex = new()

No description available.

var text_already_read = false

No description available.

var text_effects = {}

No description available.

var parsed_text_effect_info = []

No description available.

var text_effects_regex = new()

No description available.

var text_modifiers = []

No description available.

var modifier_words_select_regex = create_from_string(...)

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func post_install ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func parse_text ( text: String, type: int = 0, variables: bool = true, glossary: bool = true, modifiers: bool = true, effects: bool = true, color_names: bool = true ) ⇒ String

Applies modifiers, effects and coloring to the text

func update_textbox ( text: String, instant: bool = false ) ⇒ void

When an event updates the text spoken, this can adjust the state of the dialog text box. This method is async.

func update_dialog_text ( text: String, instant: bool = false, additional: bool = false ) ⇒ String

Shows the given text on all visible DialogText nodes. Instant can be used to skip all revieling. If additional is true, the previous text will be kept.

func update_name_label ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ void

Updates the visible name on all name labels nodes. If a name changes, the speaker_updated signal is emitted.

func update_typing_sound_mood ( mood: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func show_textbox ( instant: bool = false ) ⇒ void

instant skips the signal and thus possible animations

func hide_textbox ( instant: bool = false ) ⇒ void

Instant skips the signal and thus possible animations

func is_textbox_visible ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func show_next_indicators ( question: bool = false, autoadvance: bool = false ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func hide_next_indicators ( _fake_arg: Variant = null ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_text_voice_synced ( enabled: bool = true ) ⇒ void

This method will sync the text speed to the voice audio clip length, if a voice is playing. For instance, if the voice is playing for four seconds, the text will finish revealing after this time. This feature ignores Auto-Pauses on letters. Pauses via BBCode will desync the reveal.

func is_text_voice_synced ( ) ⇒ bool

Returns whether voice-synced text is enabled.

func update_text_speed ( letter_speed: float = -1.0, absolute: bool = false, speed_multiplier: float = _speed_multiplier, user_speed: float = get_setting(...) ) ⇒ void

Sets how fast text will be revealed.

letter_speed is the speed a single text character takes to appear on the textbox.

absolute will force text to display at the given speed, regardless of the user's text speed setting.

_speed_multiplier adjusts the speed of the text, if set to -1, the value won't be updated and the current value will persist.

_user_speed adjusts the speed of the text, if set to -1, the project setting 'text_speed' will be used.operator

func set_text_reveal_skippable ( skippable: bool = true, temp: bool = false ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_text_reveal_skippable ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func skip_text_reveal ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func collect_text_effects ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func parse_text_effects ( text: String ) ⇒ String

Returns the string with all text effects removed Use get_parsed_text_effects() after calling this to get all effect information

func execute_effects ( current_index: int, text_node: Control, skipping: bool = false ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func collect_text_modifiers ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func parse_text_modifiers ( text: String, type: int = 0 ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_character_name_parsed ( character: DialogicCharacter ) ⇒ String

Parses the character's display_name and returns the text that should be rendered. Note that characters may have variables in their name, therefore this function should be called to evaluate any potential variables in a character's name.

func get_current_speaker ( ) ⇒ DialogicCharacter

Returns the DialogicCharacter of the current speaker. If there is no current speaker or the speaker is not found, returns null.

func connect_meta_signals ( text_node: Node ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func emit_meta_signal ( meta: Variant, sig: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func color_character_names ( text: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func collect_character_names ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func sort_by_length ( a: String, b: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func effect_pause ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func effect_speed ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func effect_lspeed ( _text_node: Control, skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func effect_signal ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func effect_mood ( _text_node: Control, _skipped: bool, argument: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func modifier_random_selection ( text: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func modifier_break ( text: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func modifier_autopauses ( text: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Text_input.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that handles showing of input promts.


voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidshow_text_input ( text: String = "", default: String = "", placeholder: String = "", allow_empty: bool = false )
voidhide_text_input ( )


signal input_confirmed ( input: String )

Signal that is fired when a confirmation button was pressed.

signal input_shown ( info: Dictionary )

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func show_text_input ( text: String = "", default: String = "", placeholder: String = "", allow_empty: bool = false ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func hide_text_input ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Variables.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that manages variables and allows to access them.


voidclear_game_state ( clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 )
Stringparse_variables ( text: String )
boolset_variable ( variable_name: String, value: Variant )
Variantget_variable ( variable_path: String, default: Variant = null, no_warning: bool = false )
voidreset ( variable: String = "" )
boolhas ( variable: String = "" )
Arrayfolders ( )
Arrayvariables ( _absolute: bool = false )
Dictionaryget_autoloads ( )
Dictionarymerge_folder ( new: Dictionary, defs: Dictionary )


signal variable_changed ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted if a dialogic variable changes, gives a dictionary with the following keys:

KeyValue TypeValue
variableStringThe name of the variable that is getting changed.
new_valueVariantThe value that has after the change (the result).

signal variable_was_set ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted on a set variable event, gives a dictionary with the following keys:

KeyValue TypeValue
variableStringThe name of the variable that is getting changed.
orig_valueVariantThe value that had before.
new_valueVariantThe value that has after the change (the result).
valueVariantThe value that the variable is changed by/to.
value_strStringWhatever has been given as the value (not interpreted, so a variable is just a string).

Method Descriptions

func clear_game_state ( clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func parse_variables ( text: String ) ⇒ String

This function will try to get the value of variables provided inside curly brackets and replace them with their values. It will: - look for the strings to replace - search all autoloads - try to get the value from context So if you provide a string like Hello, how are you doing {Game.player_name} it will try to search for an autoload with the name Gameand get the value ofplayer_name` to replace it.

func set_variable ( variable_name: String, value: Variant ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_variable ( variable_path: String, default: Variant = null, no_warning: bool = false ) ⇒ Variant

No description available.

func reset ( variable: String = "" ) ⇒ void

Resets all variables or a specific variable to the value(s) defined in the variable editor

func has ( variable: String = "" ) ⇒ bool

Returns true if a variable with the given path exists

func folders ( ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func variables ( _absolute: bool = false ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func get_autoloads ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func merge_folder ( new: Dictionary, defs: Dictionary ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class subsystem_Voice.


Inherits: DialogicSubsystem

Subsystem that manages setting voice lines for text events.


It's recommended to use the DialogicVoiceEvent to set the voice lines for text events and not start playing them directly.



voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
boolis_voiced ( index: int )
voidplay_voice ( )
voidset_file ( path: String )
voidset_volume ( value: float )
voidset_bus ( bus_name: String )
voidstop_audio ( )
floatget_remaining_time ( )
boolis_running ( )


signal voiceline_started ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted whenever a new voice line starts playing. The info contains the following keys and values: Key | Value Type | Value -------- | ------------- | ----- file | String | The path to file played.

signal voiceline_finished ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted whenever a voice line finished playing. The info contains the following keys and values: Key | Value Type | Value ---------------- | ------------- | ----- file | String | The path to file played. remaining_time | float | The remaining time of the voiceline.

signal voiceline_stopped ( info: Dictionary )

Emitted whenever a voice line gets interrupted and does not finish playing. The info contains the following keys and values: Key | Value Type | Value ---------------- | ------------- | ----- file | String | The path to file played. remaining_time | float | The remaining time of the voiceline.

Property Descriptions

var current_audio_file

The current audio file being played.

var voice_player = new()

The audio player for the voiceline.

Method Descriptions

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

Stops the current voice from playing.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

Resumes a paused voice.

func is_voiced ( index: int ) ⇒ bool

Whether the current event is a text event and has a voice event before it.

func play_voice ( ) ⇒ void

Plays the voice line. This will be invoked by Dialogic. Requires set_file to be called before or nothing plays.

func set_file ( path: String ) ⇒ void

Set a voice file path to be played, then invoke play_voice. This method does not check if path is a valid file.

func set_volume ( value: float ) ⇒ void

Set the volume to a value in decibels.

func set_bus ( bus_name: String ) ⇒ void

Set the voice player's bus to a bus_name.

func stop_audio ( ) ⇒ void

Stops the current voice line from playing.

func get_remaining_time ( ) ⇒ float

Returns the remaining time of the current voice line in seconds. If there is no voice line playing, returns 0.

func is_running ( ) ⇒ bool

Whether there is still positive time remaining for the current voiceline.

Class Reference Index

All node classes from the Dialogic 2 source code.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_BackgroundHolder.


Inherits: ColorRect


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_ButtonSound.


Inherits: AudioStreamPlayer

Node that is used for playing sound effects on hover/focus/press of sibling DialogicNode_ChoiceButtons.



voidplay_sound ( sound: Variant )

Property Descriptions

var sound_pressed

Sound to be played if one of the sibling ChoiceButtons is pressed. If sibling ChoiceButton has a sound_pressed set, that is prioritized.

var sound_hover

Sound to be played on hover. See for more.

var sound_focus

Sound to be played on focus. See for more.

Method Descriptions

func play_sound ( sound: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_ChoiceButton.


Inherits: Button

The button allows the player to make a choice in the Dialogic system.


This class is used in the Choice Layer. You may change the text_node to any Node that has a text property. If you don't set the text_node, the text will be set on this button instead. Using a different node may allow using rich text effects; they are not supported on buttons at this point.



voidset_choice_text ( new_text: String )

Property Descriptions

var choice_index = -1

Used to identify what choices to put on. If you leave it at -1, choices will be distributed automatically.

var sound_pressed

Can be set to play this sound when pressed. Requires a sibling DialogicNode_ButtonSound node.

var sound_hover

Can be set to play this sound when hovered. Requires a sibling DialogicNode_ButtonSound node.

var sound_focus

Can be set to play this sound when focused. Requires a sibling DialogicNode_ButtonSound node.

var text_node

If set, the text will be set on this node's text property instead.

Method Descriptions

func set_choice_text ( new_text: String ) ⇒ void

Called when the text changes.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_DialogText.


Inherits: RichTextLabel

Dialogic node that can reveal text at a given (changeable speed).



voidreveal_text ( _text: String, keep_previous: bool = false )
voidset_speed ( delay_per_character: float )
voidcontinue_reveal ( )
voidfinish_text ( )
voidon_gui_input ( event: InputEvent )


const LEFT = 0

No description available.

const CENTER = 1

No description available.

const RIGHT = 2

No description available.


signal started_revealing_text ( )

No description available.

signal continued_revealing_text ( new_character: String )

No description available.

signal finished_revealing_text ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var enabled = true

No description available.

var alignment = 0

No description available.

var textbox_root =

No description available.

var hide_when_empty = false

No description available.

var start_hidden = true

No description available.

var revealing = false

No description available.

var base_visible_characters = 0

No description available.

var active_speed = 0.01

No description available.

var speed_counter = 0.0

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func reveal_text ( _text: String, keep_previous: bool = false ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_speed ( delay_per_character: float ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func continue_reveal ( ) ⇒ void

Reveals one additional character.

func finish_text ( ) ⇒ void

Reveals the entire text instantly.

func on_gui_input ( event: InputEvent ) ⇒ void

Handle mouse input


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_Input.


Inherits: Control

A node that handles mouse input. This allows limiting mouse input to a specific region and avoiding conflicts with other UI elements. If no Input node is used, the input subsystem will handle mouse input instead.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_NameLabel.


Inherits: Label


Property Descriptions

var hide_when_empty = true

No description available.

var name_label_root =

No description available.

var use_character_color = true

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_PortraitContainer.


Inherits: Control

Node that defines a position for dialogic portraits and how to display portraits at that position.



voidupdate_portrait_transforms ( )
Rect2get_local_portrait_transform ( portrait_rect: Rect2, character_scale: float = 1.0 )
boolis_container ( id: Variant )


const POSITION = 0

No description available.

const SPEAKER = 1

No description available.

const KEEP = 0

No description available.

const FIT_STRETCH = 1

No description available.


No description available.


No description available.

const TOP_LEFT = 0

No description available.

const TOP_CENTER = 1

No description available.

const TOP_RIGHT = 2

No description available.

const LEFT_MIDDLE = 3

No description available.

const CENTER = 4

No description available.

const RIGHT_MIDDLE = 5

No description available.

const BOTTOM_LEFT = 6

No description available.


No description available.

const BOTTOM_RIGHT = 8

No description available.

const AT_ORIGIN = 0

No description available.

const PERCENTAGE = 1

No description available.

const PIXELS = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var mode = 0

No description available.

var container_ids = [...]

The position this node corresponds to.

var portrait_prefix = ""

Can be used to use a different portrait. E.g. "Faces/" would mean instead of "happy" it will use portrait "Faces/happy"

var size_mode = 3

Defines how to affect the scale of the portrait

var mirrored = false

If true, portraits will be mirrored in this position.

var origin_anchor = 7

The portrait will be placed relative to this point in the container.

var origin_offset = Vector2(0, 0)

An offset to apply to the origin. Rarely useful.

var pivot_mode = 0

Usually you want to rotate or scale around the portrait origin. For the moments where that is not the case, set the mode to PERCENTAGE or PIXELS and use pivot_value.

var pivot_value = Vector2(0, 0)

Only has an effect when pivot_mode is not AT_ORIGIN. Meaning depends on whether pivot_mode is PERCENTAGE or PIXELS.

var debug_character = null

A character that will be displayed in the editor, useful for getting the right size.

var debug_character_portrait = ""

No description available.

var debug_character_holder_node = null

No description available.

var debug_character_scene_node = null

No description available.

var debug_origin = null

No description available.

var default_portrait_scene = path_join(...)

No description available.

var default_debug_character = load(...)

No description available.

var ignore_resize = false

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func update_portrait_transforms ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_local_portrait_transform ( portrait_rect: Rect2, character_scale: float = 1.0 ) ⇒ Rect2

Returns a Rect2 with the position as the position and the scale as the size.

func is_container ( id: Variant ) ⇒ bool

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_StyleLayer.


Inherits: Control

Control node that is hidden and shown based on the current dialogic style.



Property Descriptions

var layer_name = "Default"

The name this layer listens to



This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_TextInput.


Inherits: Control

Node that will show when a text input field is reached. Should be connected to a (probably contained) label, a line edit and a button to work.



voidset_text ( text: String )
voidset_placeholder ( placeholder: String )
voidset_default ( default: String )
voidset_allow_empty ( boolean: bool )

Property Descriptions

var input_line_edit

The LineEdit to use.

var text_label

The Label to use.

var confirmation_button

The Button to use.

Method Descriptions

func set_text ( text: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_placeholder ( placeholder: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_default ( default: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_allow_empty ( boolean: bool ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_TypeSounds.


Inherits: AudioStreamPlayer

Node that allows playing sounds when text characters are revealed. Should be the child of a DialogicNode_DialogText node!



voidload_overwrite ( dictionary: Dictionary )
AudioStream[]load_sounds_from_path ( path: String )


const INTERRUPT = 0

No description available.

const OVERLAP = 1

No description available.

const AWAIT = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var enabled = true

Usefull if you want to change the sounds of different node's sounds

var mode = 0

If true, interrupts the current sound to play a new one

var sounds = []

Array of sounds. Will pick a random one each time.

var end_sound

A sound to be played as the last sound.

var play_every_character = 1

Determines how many characters are between each sound. Default is 1 for playing it every character.

var pitch_variance = 0.0

Allows changing the pitch by a random value from (pitch - pitch_variance) to (pitch + pitch_variance)

var volume_variance = 0.0

Allows changing the volume by a random value from (volume - volume_variance) to (volume + volume_variance)

var ignore_characters = " .,"

Characters that don't increase the 'characters_since_last_sound' variable, useful for the space or fullstop

var characters_since_last_sound = 0

No description available.

var base_pitch = pitch_scale

No description available.

var base_volume = volume_db

No description available.

var RNG = new()

No description available.

var current_overwrite_data = {}

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func load_overwrite ( dictionary: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_sounds_from_path ( path: String ) ⇒ AudioStream[]

No description available.

Class Reference Index

All resource extending classes from the Dialogic 2 source code.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacter.


Inherits: Resource

Resource that represents a character in dialog. Manages/contains portraits, custom info and translation of characters.




const NAME = 0

No description available.

const NICKNAMES = 1

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var display_name = ""

No description available.

var nicknames = []

No description available.

var color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)

No description available.

var description = ""

No description available.

var scale = 1.0

No description available.

var offset = Vector2(0, 0)

No description available.

var mirror = false

No description available.

var default_portrait = ""

No description available.

var portraits = {}

No description available.

var custom_info = {}

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func add_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

Adds a translation ID to the character.

func get_set_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the character's translation ID. Adds a translation ID to the character if it doesn't have one.

func remove_translation_id ( ) ⇒ void

Removes the translation ID from the character.

func get_property_translation_key ( property: int ) ⇒ String

Checks property and matches it to a translation key. Undefined behaviour if an invalid integer is passed.

func get_nicknames_translated ( ) ⇒ Array

Translates the nicknames of the characters and then returns them as an array of strings.

func get_display_name_translated ( ) ⇒ String

Translates and returns the display name of the character.

func get_character_name ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the best name for this character.

func get_portrait_info ( portrait_name: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Returns the info of the given portrait. Uses the default portrait if the given portrait doesn't exist.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacterFormatLoader.


Inherits: ResourceFormatLoader


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacterFormatSaver.


Inherits: ResourceFormatSaver


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicGlossary.


Inherits: Resource

Resource used to store glossary entries. Can be saved to disc and used as a glossary. Add/create glossaries fom the glossaries editor





const RESOURCE_NAME = "Glossary"

No description available.

const NAME_PROPERTY = "name"

No description available.

const ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTY = "alternatives"

No description available.

const TITLE_PROPERTY = "title"

No description available.

const TEXT_PROPERTY = "text"

No description available.

const EXTRA_PROPERTY = "extra"

No description available.

const TRANSLATION_PROPERTY = "_translation_id"

No description available.

const REGEX_OPTION_PROPERTY = "regex_options"

No description available.


No description available.

Property Descriptions

var entries = {}

Stores all entries for the glossary. The value may either be a dictionary, representing an entry, or a string, representing the actual key for the key used. The string key-value pairs are the alias keys, they allow to redirect the actual glossary entry.

var enabled = true

If false, no entries from this glossary will be shown

Method Descriptions

func remove_entry ( entry_key: String ) ⇒ bool

Removes an entry and all its aliases (alternative property) from the glossary. entry_key may be an entry name or an alias. Returns true if the entry matching the given entry_key was found.

func replace_entry_key ( old_entry_key: String, new_entry_key: String ) ⇒ void

Do not use this to update alternative names. In order to update alternative names, delete all with _remove_entry_alias and then add them again with _add_entry_key_alias.

func get_entry ( entry_key: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Gets the glossary entry for the given entry_key. If there is no matching entry, an empty Dictionary will be returned. Valid glossary entry dictionaries will never be empty.

func try_add_entry ( entry: Dictionary ) ⇒ bool

Adds entry to the glossary if it does not exist. If it does exist, returns false.

func get_set_regex_option ( entry_key: String ) ⇒ String

Gets the regex option for the given entry_key. If the regex option does not exist, it will be generated. A regex option is the accumulation of valid words that can trigger the glossary popup. The entry_key must be valid or an error will occur.

func add_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

This is automatically called, no need to use this.

func remove_translation_id ( ) ⇒ void

Removes the translation ID of this glossary.

func remove_entry_translation_ids ( ) ⇒ void

Removes the translation ID of all glossary entries.

func clear_translation_keys ( ) ⇒ void

Clears the lookup tables using translation keys.

func get_property_translation_key ( entry_key: String, property: String ) ⇒ String

Returns a key used to reference this glossary in the translation CSV file. Time complexity: O(1)

func get_set_glossary_entry_translation_id ( entry_key: String ) ⇒ String

Tries to get the glossary entry's translation ID. If it does not exist, a new one will be generated.

func get_set_glossary_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

Tries to get the glossary's translation ID. If it does not exist, a new one will be generated.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicStyle.


Inherits: Resource

A style represents a collection of layers and settings. A style can inherit from another style.



PackedSceneget_base_scene ( )
PackedStringArrayget_layer_list ( )
intget_layer_count ( )
Dictionaryget_layer_info ( index: int )
Dictionaryget_layer_inherited_info ( index: int, inherited_only: bool = false )
voidadd_layer ( scene: String, overrides: Dictionary = {} )
voiddelete_layer ( layer_index: int )
voidmove_layer ( from_index: int, to_index: int )
voidset_layer_scene ( layer_index: int, scene: String )
voidset_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String, value: Variant )
voidremove_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String )
Dictionarymerge_layer_infos ( layer_a: Dictionary, layer_b: Dictionary )
boolhas_layer ( index: int )
boolinherits_anything ( )
DialogicStyleget_inheritance_root ( )
voidrealize_inheritance ( )
DialogicStyleclone ( )
voidprepare ( )

Property Descriptions

var name = "Style"

No description available.

var inherits = null

No description available.

var base_scene = null

No description available.

var base_overrides = {}

No description available.

var layers = []

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func get_base_scene ( ) ⇒ PackedScene

This always returns the inheritance root's scene!

func get_layer_list ( ) ⇒ PackedStringArray

This always returns the full inherited roots layers!

func get_layer_count ( ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func get_layer_info ( index: int ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_layer_inherited_info ( index: int, inherited_only: bool = false ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func add_layer ( scene: String, overrides: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func delete_layer ( layer_index: int ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func move_layer ( from_index: int, to_index: int ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_layer_scene ( layer_index: int, scene: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String, value: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func remove_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func merge_layer_infos ( layer_a: Dictionary, layer_b: Dictionary ) ⇒ Dictionary

This merges two layers (mainly their overrides). Layer a has priority!

func has_layer ( index: int ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func inherits_anything ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_inheritance_root ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func realize_inheritance ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func clone ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func prepare ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicStyleLayer.


Inherits: Resource



Property Descriptions

var scene = null

No description available.

var overrides = {}

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicTimeline.


Inherits: Resource

Resource that defines a list of events. It can store them as text and load them from text too.




Variantget_event ( index: int )
voidfrom_text ( text: String )
Stringas_text ( )
voidprocess ( )
voidclean ( )

Property Descriptions

var events = []

No description available.

var events_processed = false

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func get_event ( index: int ) ⇒ Variant

Helper method

func from_text ( text: String ) ⇒ void

Parses the lines as seperate events and insert them in an array, so they can be converted to DialogicEvent's when processed later

func as_text ( ) ⇒ String

Stores all events in their text format and returns them as a string

func process ( ) ⇒ void

Method that loads all the event resources from the strings, if it wasn't done before

func clean ( ) ⇒ void

This method makes sure that all events in a timeline are correctly reset


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicTimelineFormatLoader.


Inherits: ResourceFormatLoader


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicTimelineFormatSaver.


Inherits: ResourceFormatSaver

Class Reference Index

All miscellaneous classes from the Dialogic 2 source code.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DCSS.


Inherits: RefCounted


StyleBoxFlatinline ( style: Dictionary )

Method Descriptions

func inline ( style: Dictionary ) ⇒ StyleBoxFlat

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicAnimation.


Inherits: Node

Class that can be used to animate portraits. Can be extended to create animations.



voidanimate ( )
voidfinished_one_loop ( )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )
Stringget_modulation_property ( )


const IN = 1

No description available.

const OUT = 2

No description available.

const ACTION = 3

No description available.

const CROSSFADE = 4

No description available.


signal finished_once ( )

No description available.

signal finished ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var node

Set at runtime, will be the node to animate.

var time

Set at runtime, will be the length of the animation.

var base_position

Set at runtime, will be the base position of the node. Depending on the animation, this might be the start, end or both.

var base_scale

Set at runtime, will be the base scale of the node.

var repeats

Used to repeate the animation for a number of times.

var is_reversed = false

If true, the animation will be reversed. This must be implemented by each animation or it will have no effect.

Method Descriptions

func animate ( ) ⇒ void

To be overridden. Do the actual animating/tweening in here. Use the properties node, time, base_position, etc.

func finished_one_loop ( ) ⇒ void

This method controls whether to repeat the animation or not. Animations must call this once they finished an animation.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_modulation_property ( ) ⇒ String

If the animation wants to change the modulation, this method will return the property to change. The CanvasGroup can use self_modulate instead of modulate to uniformly change the modulation of all children without additively overlaying the modulations.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicAutoAdvance.


Inherits: RefCounted

This class holds the settings for the Auto-Advance feature. Changing the variables will alter the behaviour of Auto-Advance.


Auto-Advance is a feature that automatically advances the timeline after a player-specific amount of time. This is useful for visual novels that want the player to read the text without having to press. Unlike DialogicAutoSkip, Auto-Advance uses multiple enable flags, allowing to track the different instances that enabled Auto-Advance. For instance, if a timeline event forces Auto-Advance to be enabled and later disables it, the Auto-Advance will still be enabled if the player didn't cancel it.




signal autoadvance ( )

No description available.

signal toggled ( enabled: bool )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var autoadvance_timer = new()

No description available.

var fixed_delay = 1.0

No description available.

var delay_modifier = 1.0

No description available.

var per_word_delay = 0.0

No description available.

var per_character_delay = 0.1

No description available.

var ignored_characters_enabled = false

No description available.

var ignored_characters = {}

No description available.

var await_playing_voice = true

No description available.

var override_delay_for_current_event = -1.0

No description available.

var enabled_until_next_event = false

If true, Auto-Advance will be active until the next event. Use this flag to create a temporary Auto-Advance mode. You can utilise override_delay_for_current_event to set a temporary Auto-Advance delay for this event. Stacks with enabled_forced and enabled_until_user_input.

var enabled_forced = false

If true, Auto-Advance will stay enabled until this is set to false. This boolean can be used to create an automatic text display. Stacks with enabled_until_next_event and enabled_until_user_input.

var enabled_until_user_input = false

If true, Auto-Advance will be active until the player presses a button. Use this flag when the player wants to enable Auto-Advance. Stacks with enabled_forced and enabled_until_next_event.

Method Descriptions

func start ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_advancing ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_time_left ( ) ⇒ float

No description available.

func get_time ( ) ⇒ float

No description available.

func is_enabled ( ) ⇒ bool

Returns whether Auto-Advance is currently considered enabled. Auto-Advance uses three different enable flags: - enabled_until_user_input (becomes false on any dialogic input action) - enabled_until_next_event (becomes false on each text event) - enabled_forced (becomes false only when disabled via code) All three can be set with dedicated methods.

func get_progress ( ) ⇒ float

Returns the progress of the auto-advance timer on a scale between 0 and 1. The higher the value, the closer the timer is to finishing. If auto-advancing is disabled, returns -1.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicAutoSkip.


Inherits: RefCounted

This class holds the settings for the Auto-Skip feature. Changing the variables will alter the behaviour of Auto-Skip.


Auto-Skip must be implemented per event.



signal toggled ( is_enabled: bool )

Emitted whenever the Auto-Skip state changes, from true to false or vice-versa.

Property Descriptions

var enabled = false

Whether Auto-Skip is enabled or not. If Auto-Skip is referred to be disabled[/i], it refers to setting this this variable to false. This variable will automatically emit autoskip_changed when changed.

var disable_on_user_input = true

If true, Auto-Skip will be disabled when the user presses a recognised input action.

var disable_on_unread_text = false

If true, Auto-Skip will be disabled when the timeline advances to a unread Text event or an event requesting user input.

var enable_on_visited = false

If true, Auto-Skip will be enabled when the timeline advances to a previously visited Text event. Useful if the player always wants to skip already-visited Text events.

var skip_voice = true

If true, Auto-Skip will skip Voice events instead of playing them.

var time_per_event = 0.1

The amount of seconds each event may take. This is not enforced, each event must implement this behaviour.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicBackground.


Inherits: Node

This is the base class for dialogic backgrounds. Extend it and override it's methods when you create a custom background. You can take a look at the default background to get an idea of how it's working.


Property Descriptions

var viewport_container

The subviewport container that holds this background. Set when instanced.

var viewport

The viewport that holds this background. Set when instanced.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicBackgroundTransition.


Inherits: Node



ShaderMaterialset_shader ( path_to_shader: String = path_join(...) )
PropertyTweenertween_shader_progress ( _progress_parameter: String = "progress" )


signal transition_finished ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var this_folder = get_base_dir()


var prev_scene

Set before _fade() is called, will be the root node of the previous bg scene.

var prev_texture

Set before _fade() is called, will be the viewport texture of the previous bg scene.

var next_scene

Set before _fade() is called, will be the root node of the upcoming bg scene.

var next_texture

Set before _fade() is called, will be the viewport texture of the upcoming bg scene.

var time

Set before _fade() is called, will be the requested time for the fade

var bg_holder

Set before _fade() is called, will be the background holder (TextureRect)

Method Descriptions

func set_shader ( path_to_shader: String = path_join(...) ) ⇒ ShaderMaterial

No description available.

func tween_shader_progress ( _progress_parameter: String = "progress" ) ⇒ PropertyTweener

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacterEditorMainSection.


Inherits: Control

Base class for all character editor main sections. Methods should be overriden.



signal changed ( )

Emit this, if something changed

Property Descriptions

var character_editor

Reference to the character editor, set when instantiated

var hint_text = ""

If not empty, a hint icon is added to the section title.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacterEditorPortraitSection.


Inherits: Control

Base class for all portrait settings sections. Methods should be overriden. Changes made through fields in such a section should instantly be "saved" to the portrait_items metadata from where they will be saved to the resource.



signal changed ( )

Emit this, if something changed

signal update_preview ( )

Emit this if the preview should reload

Property Descriptions

var character_editor

Reference to the character editor, set when instantiated

var selected_item = null

Reference to the selected portrait item. selected_item.get_metadata(0) can access the portraits data

var hint_text = ""

If not empty a hint icon is added to the section title


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCsvFile.


Inherits: RefCounted

Handles translation of a DialogicTimeline to a CSV file.




const String = 0

No description available.

const Array = 1

No description available.

const Other = 2

No description available.

const TRANSLATION_ID = "_translation_id"

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var lines = []

No description available.

var old_lines = {}

Dictionary of lines from the original file. Key: String, Value: PackedStringArray

var column_count = 0

The amount of columns the CSV file has after loading it. Used to add trailing commas to new lines.

var is_new_file = false

Whether this CSV file was able to be loaded a defined file path.

var file

The underlying file used to read and write the CSV file.

var used_file_path

File path used to load the CSV file.

var updated_rows = 0

The amount of events that were updated in the CSV file.

var new_rows = 0

The amount of events that were added to the CSV file.

var add_separator = false

Whether this CSV handler should add newlines as a separator between sections. A section may be a new character, new timeline, or new glossary item inside a per-project file.

Method Descriptions

func collect_lines_from_characters ( characters: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

Collects names from the given characters and adds them to the lines. If this is the character name CSV file, use this method to take previously collected characters from other DialogicCsvFiles.

func add_translation_keys_to_glossary ( glossary: DialogicGlossary ) ⇒ void

Reads all lines and adds them to the given glossary's internal collection of words-to-translation-key mappings. Populate the CSV's lines with the method collect_lines_from_glossary before.

func collect_lines_from_glossary ( glossary: DialogicGlossary ) ⇒ void

Collects properties from glossary entries from the given glossary and adds them to the lines.

func collect_lines_from_timeline ( timeline: DialogicTimeline ) ⇒ void

Collects translatable events from the given timeline and adds them to the lines.

func update_csv_file_on_disk ( ) ⇒ void

Clears the CSV file on disk and writes the current lines array to it. Uses the old_lines dictionary to update existing translations. If a translation row misses a column, a trailing comma will be added to conform to the CSV file format. If the locale CSV line was collected only, a new file won't be created and already existing translations won't be updated.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicEditor.


Inherits: Control

Base class for all dialogic editors.



const SAVED = 0

No description available.

const UNSAVED = 1

No description available.


signal resource_saved ( )

No description available.

signal resource_unsaved ( )

No description available.

signal opened ( )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var current_resource

No description available.

var current_resource_state

No description available.

var editors_manager

No description available.

var alternative_text = ""

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicGameHandler.


Inherits: Node

Autoload script that allows you to interact with all of Dialogic's systems:

  • Holds all important information about the current state of Dialogic.
  • Provides access to all the subsystems.
  • Has methods to start/end timelines.




Nodestart ( timeline: Variant, label: Variant = "" )
voidstart_timeline ( timeline: Variant, label_or_idx: Variant = "" )
Variantpreload_timeline ( timeline_resource: Variant )
voidend_timeline ( )
voidhandle_next_event ( _ignore_argument: Variant = "" )
voidhandle_event ( event_index: int )
voidclear ( clear_flags: int = 0 )
Dictionaryget_full_state ( )
voidload_full_state ( state_info: Dictionary )
boolhas_subsystem ( subsystem_name: String )
DialogicSubsystemget_subsystem ( subsystem_name: String )
DialogicSubsystemadd_subsystem ( subsystem_name: String, script_path: String )
voidprint_debug_moment ( )


const IDLE = 0

No description available.


No description available.

const ANIMATING = 2

No description available.


No description available.

const WAITING = 4

No description available.

const FULL_CLEAR = 0

No description available.


No description available.


No description available.


signal state_changed ( new_state: int )

Emitted when current_state change.

signal dialogic_paused ( )

Emitted when paused changes to true.

signal dialogic_resumed ( )

Emitted when paused changes to false.

signal timeline_ended ( )

Emitted when the timeline ends. This can be a timeline ending or end_timeline being called.

signal timeline_started ( )

Emitted when a timeline starts by calling either start or start_timeline.

signal event_handled ( resource: DialogicEvent )

Emitted when an event starts being executed. The event may not have finished executing yet.

signal signal_event ( argument: Variant )

Emitted when a SignalEvent event was reached.

signal text_signal ( argument: String )

Emitted when a signal event gets fired from a TextEvent event.

Property Descriptions

var current_timeline = null

Reference to the currently executed timeline.

var current_timeline_events = []

Copy of the current_timeline's events.

var current_event_idx = 0

Index of the event the timeline handling is currently at.

var current_state_info = {}

Contains all information that subsystems consider relevant for the current situation

var current_state = 0

Current state (see States enum).

var paused = false

When true, many dialogic processes won't continue until it's false again.

var Audio = new()

No description available.

var Backgrounds = new()

No description available.

var Portraits = new()

No description available.

var PortraitContainers = new()

No description available.

var Choices = new()

No description available.

var Expressions = new()

No description available.

var Animations = new()

No description available.

var Inputs = new()

No description available.

var Glossary = new()

No description available.

var History = new()

No description available.

var Jump = new()

No description available.

var Save = new()

No description available.

var Settings = new()

No description available.

var Styles = new()

No description available.

var Text = new()

No description available.

var TextInput = new()

No description available.

var VAR = new()

No description available.

var Voice = new()

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func start ( timeline: Variant, label: Variant = "" ) ⇒ Node

Method to start a timeline AND ensure that a layout scene is present. For argument info, checkout start_timeline. -> returns the layout node

func start_timeline ( timeline: Variant, label_or_idx: Variant = "" ) ⇒ void

Method to start a timeline without adding a layout scene. @timeline can be either a loaded timeline resource or a path to a timeline file. @label_or_idx can be a label (string) or index (int) to skip to immediatly.

func preload_timeline ( timeline_resource: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Preloader function, prepares a timeline and returns an object to hold for later timeline_resource can be either a path (string) or a loaded timeline (resource)

func end_timeline ( ) ⇒ void

Clears and stops the current timeline.

func handle_next_event ( _ignore_argument: Variant = "" ) ⇒ void

Handles the next event.

func handle_event ( event_index: int ) ⇒ void

Handles the event at the given index event_index. You can call this manually, but if another event is still executing, it might have unexpected results.

func clear ( clear_flags: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

Resets Dialogic's state fully or partially. By using the clear flags from the ClearFlags enum you can specify what info should be kept. For example, at timeline end usually it doesn't clear node or subsystem info.

func get_full_state ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

Returns a dictionary containing all necessary information to later recreate the same state with load_full_state. The Save subsystem might be more useful for you. However, this can be used to integrate the info into your own save system.

func load_full_state ( state_info: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

This method tries to load the state from the given state_info. Will automatically start a timeline and add a layout if a timeline was running when the dictionary was retrieved with get_full_state.

func has_subsystem ( subsystem_name: String ) ⇒ bool

Returns true if a subystem with the given subsystem_name exists.

func get_subsystem ( subsystem_name: String ) ⇒ DialogicSubsystem

Returns the subsystem node of the given subsystem_name or null if it doesn't exist.

func add_subsystem ( subsystem_name: String, script_path: String ) ⇒ DialogicSubsystem

Adds a subsystem node with the given subsystem_name and script_path.

func print_debug_moment ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicIndexer.


Inherits: RefCounted

Script that indexes events, subsystems, settings pages and more. Place a script of this type in every folder in "addons/Events". Overwrite the methods to return the contents of that folder.




Arraylist_dir ( subdir: String = "" )
Dictionarylist_special_resources ( subdir: String = "", extension: String = "" )
Dictionarylist_animations ( subdir: String = "" )
Dictionary[]scan_for_layout_parts ( )

Property Descriptions

var this_folder = get_base_dir()

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func list_dir ( subdir: String = "" ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func list_special_resources ( subdir: String = "", extension: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func list_animations ( subdir: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func scan_for_layout_parts ( ) ⇒ Dictionary[]

Helper that allows scanning sub directories that might be layout parts or styles


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicLayoutBase.


Inherits: Node

Base class that should be extended by custom layouts.


Method Descriptions

func add_layer ( layer: DialogicLayoutLayer ) ⇒ Node

Method that adds a node as a layer

func get_layer ( index: int ) ⇒ Node

Method that returns the given child

func get_layers ( ) ⇒ Array

Method to return all the layers

func apply_export_overrides ( ) ⇒ void

Method that is called to load the export overrides. This happens when the style is first introduced, but also when switching to a different style using the same scene!

func get_global_setting ( setting: StringName, default: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Returns a setting on this base. This is useful so that layers can share settings like base_color, etc.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicLayoutLayer.


Inherits: Node

This is turned on automatically when the layout is realized

Turn it off, if you want to modify the settings of the nodes yourself.




voidapply_export_overrides ( )
Variantget_global_setting ( setting_name: StringName, default: Variant )

Property Descriptions

var disabled = false

No description available.

var apply_overrides_on_ready = false

No description available.

var this_folder = get_base_dir()

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func apply_export_overrides ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_global_setting ( setting_name: StringName, default: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Use this to get potential global settings.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicPortrait.


Inherits: Node

Default portrait class. Should be extended by custom portraits.



voidapply_character_and_portrait ( passed_character: DialogicCharacter, passed_portrait: String )
voidapply_texture ( node: Node, texture_path: String )

Property Descriptions

var character

Stores the character that this scene displays.

var portrait

Stores the name of the current portrait.

Method Descriptions

func apply_character_and_portrait ( passed_character: DialogicCharacter, passed_portrait: String ) ⇒ void

Helper that quickly setups and checks the character and portrait.

func apply_texture ( node: Node, texture_path: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicResourceUtil.


Inherits: RefCounted




Property Descriptions

var label_cache = {}

No description available.

var event_cache = []

No description available.

var special_resources = {}

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func update ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_directory ( extension: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func set_directory ( extension: String, directory: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func update_directory ( extension: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func add_resource_to_directory ( file_path: String, directory: Dictionary ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_unique_identifier ( file_path: String ) ⇒ String

Returns the unique identifier for the given resource path. Returns an empty string if no identifier was found.

func get_resource_from_identifier ( identifier: String, extension: String ) ⇒ Resource

Returns the resource associated with the given unique identifier. The expected extension is needed to use the right directory.

func change_unique_identifier ( file_path: String, new_identifier: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func change_resource_path ( old_path: String, new_path: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func remove_resource ( file_path: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_identifier_unused ( extension: String, identifier: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_label_cache ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func set_label_cache ( cache: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func update_label_cache ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_event_cache ( ) ⇒ Array

Dialogic keeps a list that has each event once. This allows retrieval of that list.

func update_event_cache ( ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func update_special_resources ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func list_special_resources ( type: String, filter: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func match_resource_filter ( dict: Dictionary, filter: Dictionary ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func guess_special_resource ( type: String, string: String, default: Dictionary = {}, filter: Dictionary = {}, ignores: PackedStringArray = [] ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_character_directory ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_timeline_directory ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_timeline_resource ( timeline_identifier: String ) ⇒ DialogicTimeline

No description available.

func get_character_resource ( character_identifier: String ) ⇒ DialogicCharacter

No description available.

func list_resources_of_type ( extension: String ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func scan_folder ( path: String, extension: String ) ⇒ Array

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicSettingsPage.


Inherits: Control



Property Descriptions

var short_info = ""

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicSubsystem.


Inherits: Node




voidpost_install ( )
voidclear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 )
voidload_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 )
voidsave_game_state ( )
voidpause ( )
voidresume ( )


const FULL_LOAD = 0

No description available.

const ONLY_DNODES = 1

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var dialogic = null

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func post_install ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func clear_game_state ( _clear_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func load_game_state ( _load_flag: int = 0 ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func save_game_state ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func pause ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func resume ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicUtil.


Inherits: RefCounted

Script that container helper methods for both editor and game execution. Used whenever the same thing is needed in different parts of the plugin.


floatget_editor_scale ( )
Nodeget_dialogic_plugin ( )
DialogicGameHandlerautoload ( )
Arraylistdir ( path: String, files_only: bool = true, _throw_error: bool = true, full_file_path: bool = false, include_imports: bool = false )
Stringget_module_path ( name: String, builtin: bool = true )
DialogicIndexer[]get_indexers ( include_custom: bool = true, force_reload: bool = false )
Stringpretty_name ( file_path: String )
voidset_editor_setting ( setting: String, value: Variant )
Variantget_editor_setting ( setting: String, default: Variant = null )
Dictionaryget_color_palette ( default: bool = false )
Colorget_color ( value: String )
boolis_physics_timer ( )
voidupdate_timer_process_callback ( timer: Timer )
voidmultitween ( tweened_value: Variant, item: Node, property: String, part: String )
Stringget_next_translation_id ( )
Dictionaryget_default_variables ( )
Arraylist_variables ( dict: Dictionary, path: String = "", type: int = 0 )
intget_variable_value_type ( value: Variant )
intget_variable_type ( path: String, dict: Dictionary = {} )
PackedSceneget_default_layout_base ( )
DialogicStyleget_fallback_style ( )
DialogicStyleget_default_style ( )
DialogicStyleget_style_by_name ( name: String )
voidapply_scene_export_overrides ( node: Node, export_overrides: Dictionary, apply: bool = true )
Dictionaryget_scene_export_defaults ( node: Node )
Stringmake_file_custom ( original_file: String, target_folder: String, new_file_name: String = "", new_folder_name: String = "" )
Stringcustomize_file ( original_file: String, target_file: String )
Controlsetup_script_property_edit_node ( property_info: Dictionary, value: Variant, property_changed: Callable )
Dictionaryget_custom_event_defaults ( event_name: String )
boolstr_to_bool ( boolstring: String )
Variantlogical_convert ( value: Variant )
Dictionarystr_to_hash_set ( source: String )
Dictionaryget_character_suggestions ( _search_text: String, current_value: DialogicCharacter = null, allow_none: bool = true, allow_all: bool = false, editor_node: Node = null )
Dictionaryget_portrait_suggestions ( search_text: String, character: DialogicCharacter, allow_empty: bool = false, empty_text: String = "Don\'t Change" )
Dictionaryget_portrait_position_suggestions ( search_text: String = "" )


const ANY = 0

No description available.

const STRING = 1

No description available.

const FLOAT = 2

No description available.

const INT = 3

No description available.

const BOOL = 4

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func get_editor_scale ( ) ⇒ float

This method should be used instead of EditorInterface.get_editor_scale(), because if you use that it will run perfectly fine from the editor, but crash when the game is exported.

func get_dialogic_plugin ( ) ⇒ Node

Although this does in fact always return a EditorPlugin node, that class is apparently not present in export and referencing it here creates a crash.

func autoload ( ) ⇒ DialogicGameHandler

Returns the autoload when in-game.

func listdir ( path: String, files_only: bool = true, _throw_error: bool = true, full_file_path: bool = false, include_imports: bool = false ) ⇒ Array


func get_module_path ( name: String, builtin: bool = true ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_indexers ( include_custom: bool = true, force_reload: bool = false ) ⇒ DialogicIndexer[]

No description available.

func pretty_name ( file_path: String ) ⇒ String

Turns a file_path from some_file.png to Some File.

func set_editor_setting ( setting: String, value: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_editor_setting ( setting: String, default: Variant = null ) ⇒ Variant

No description available.

func get_color_palette ( default: bool = false ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_color ( value: String ) ⇒ Color

No description available.

func is_physics_timer ( ) ⇒ bool


func update_timer_process_callback ( timer: Timer ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func multitween ( tweened_value: Variant, item: Node, property: String, part: String ) ⇒ void


func get_next_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_default_variables ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func list_variables ( dict: Dictionary, path: String = "", type: int = 0 ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func get_variable_value_type ( value: Variant ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func get_variable_type ( path: String, dict: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func get_default_layout_base ( ) ⇒ PackedScene

No description available.

func get_fallback_style ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func get_default_style ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func get_style_by_name ( name: String ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func apply_scene_export_overrides ( node: Node, export_overrides: Dictionary, apply: bool = true ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_scene_export_defaults ( node: Node ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func make_file_custom ( original_file: String, target_folder: String, new_file_name: String = "", new_folder_name: String = "" ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func customize_file ( original_file: String, target_file: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func setup_script_property_edit_node ( property_info: Dictionary, value: Variant, property_changed: Callable ) ⇒ Control

No description available.

func get_custom_event_defaults ( event_name: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func str_to_bool ( boolstring: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func logical_convert ( value: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

No description available.

func str_to_hash_set ( source: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Takes source and builds a dictionary of keys only. The values are null.

func get_character_suggestions ( _search_text: String, current_value: DialogicCharacter = null, allow_none: bool = true, allow_all: bool = false, editor_node: Node = null ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_portrait_suggestions ( search_text: String, character: DialogicCharacter, allow_empty: bool = false, empty_text: String = "Don\'t Change" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_portrait_position_suggestions ( search_text: String = "" ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.


This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicVisualEditorField.


Inherits: Control




voidset_value ( value: Variant )
voidtake_autofocus ( )


signal value_changed ( property_name: String, value: Variant )

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var property_name = ""

No description available.

var event_resource = null

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func set_value ( value: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func take_autofocus ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

Contributing to Dialogic

We develop the Dialogic plugin in the open at GitHub. The main dialogic repository that contains all the code, images, and logic for the plugin, and this documentation is stored in the documentation repository. You will find other repositories such as the Godot 3 version of Dialogic, a test project, a visual novel template, extensions and more.

How to contribute

There are different ways to contribute to Dialogic. You could be a developer, a designer, a writer, or a user who wants to help improve the project. Here are some ways you can contribute:

Reporting bugs

While working on your project, you might encounter a bug or come up with an idea for a new feature that could benefit the Dialogic community. If you believe this improvement or bug fix would be valuable to the majority of users, it is a good candidate for an issue. Dialogic and Godot are designed to be flexible and extensible, so it is better to remain agnostic to specific game requirements. Before creating a new issue, consider the following steps to help us improve Dialogic:

  • Search for Similar Issues: Use the search function on GitHub to enter keywords related to your identified issue. This helps you see if someone has already reported it.
  • Review Existing Issues: Go through the list of existing issues to check if your issue is already documented. If it is, consider contributing to the discussion or offering to help resolve it instead of creating a new one.

If your issue doesn’t exist, create it by pressing on the "New issue" button or by visiting this page. Remember to describe the issue in detail, including steps to reproduce it if it's a bug, the version of Godot and Dialogic you are using, or explaining why the new feature is beneficial. If it is a bug, it is extremely helpful to include a minimal code example that reproduces the issue, such as a small Godot+Dialogic project demonstrating the problem. This helps maintainers quickly identify the cause of the issue and fix it.

Sure, here’s a more polished section on creating a pull request:

Creating Pull Requests

If you have identified an existing issue and want to contribute a fix or enhancement, follow these steps to create a pull request:

  1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button on the top right of the repository page. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the Repository: Click the "Code" button and copy the URL. Then, in your terminal, run:
    git clone <URL>
  3. Create a New Branch: Navigate to the repository directory on your local machine and create a new branch for your changes:
    git checkout -b <branch-name>
  4. Make Your Changes: Edit the files in the repository to implement your fix or enhancement.
  5. Commit Your Changes: Stage and commit your changes with a descriptive message:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Your message here"
  6. Push Your Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository:
    git push origin <branch-name>
  7. Create a Pull Request: Go to the repository page on GitHub and click the "New pull request" button. Select the correct branches and provide a detailed description of your changes, referencing the issue you are addressing.

If you find using the terminal challenging, you can also use the GitHub Desktop app or another graphical git client to manage your changes. These tools offer an easier interface for working with git, allowing you to focus more on your contributions rather than command-line operations.

After submitting your pull request, monitor it for any comments or feedback from the project maintainers. If revisions are required, make the necessary changes based on their feedback and push the updates to your branch; your pull request will be automatically updated. Engage politely with reviewers, thank them for their feedback, and ask for clarification if needed. Remember, we are all volunteers working together to improve the project for everyone, so it's important to maintain a positive and collaborative atmosphere.

Answering questions

Answering questions is another valuable way to contribute to the Dialogic community. You can help by participating in our GitHub Discussions page and our Discord server, where users frequently ask questions about using the plugin, troubleshooting issues, or seeking advice on best practices.


If you like Dialogic and want to support its development, you can donate to the project via Patreon, or Ko-fi. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps to keep the project going!