
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicAutoSkip.


Inherits: RefCounted

This class holds the settings for the Auto-Skip feature. Changing the variables will alter the behaviour of Auto-Skip.


Auto-Skip must be implemented per event.



signal toggled ( is_enabled: bool )

Emitted whenever the Auto-Skip state changes, from true to false or vice-versa.

Property Descriptions

var disable_on_unread_text = true

If true, Auto-Skip will be disabled when the timeline advances to a unread Text event or an event requesting user input.

var disable_on_user_input = true

If true, Auto-Skip will be disabled when the user presses a recognised input action.

var enable_on_visited = true

If true, Auto-Skip will be enabled when the timeline advances to a previously visited Text event. Useful if the player always wants to skip already-visited Text events.

var enabled = false

Whether Auto-Skip is enabled or not. If Auto-Skip is referred to be disabled[/i], it refers to setting this this variable to false. This variable will automatically emit autoskip_changed when changed.

var skip_voice = true

If true, Auto-Skip will skip Voice events instead of playing them.

var time_per_event = 0.1

The amount of seconds each event may take. This is not enforced, each event must implement this behaviour.