
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacter.


Inherits: Resource

Resource that represents a character in dialog. Manages/contains portraits, custom info and translation of characters.




const NAME = 0

No description available.

const NICKNAMES = 1

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)

No description available.

var custom_info =

No description available.

var default_portrait = ""

No description available.

var description = ""

No description available.

var display_name = ""

No description available.

var mirror = false

No description available.

var nicknames =

No description available.

var offset = Vector2(0, 0)

No description available.

var portraits =

No description available.

var scale = 1.0

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func add_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

Adds a translation ID to the character.

func get_character_name ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the name of the file (without the extension).

func get_display_name_translated ( ) ⇒ String

Translates and returns the display name of the character.

func get_nicknames_translated ( ) ⇒ Array

Translates the nicknames of the characters and then returns them as an array of strings.

func get_portrait_info ( portrait_name: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Returns the info of the given portrait. Uses the default portrait if the given portrait doesn't exist.

func get_property_translation_key ( property: int ) ⇒ String

Checks property and matches it to a translation key. Undefined behaviour if an invalid integer is passed.

func get_set_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

Returns the character's translation ID. Adds a translation ID to the character if it doesn't have one.

func remove_translation_id ( ) ⇒ void

Removes the translation ID from the character.