
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicConditionEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent

Event that allows branching a timeline based on a condition.




const IF = 0

No description available.

const ELIF = 1

No description available.

const ELSE = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var condition_type = 0

Settings condition type (see ). Defaults to if.

var condition = ""

The condition as a string. Will be executed as an Expression.

Method Descriptions

func should_execute_this_branch ( ) ⇒ bool

only called if the previous event was an end-branch event return true if this event should be executed if the previous event was an end-branch event

func get_end_branch_control ( ) ⇒ Control

No description available.

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.