
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicLayoutBase.


Inherits: Node

Base class that should be extended by custom layouts.


Method Descriptions

func add_layer ( layer: DialogicLayoutLayer ) ⇒ Node

Method that adds a node as a layer

func get_layer ( index: int ) ⇒ Node

Method that returns the given child

func get_layers ( ) ⇒ Array

Method to return all the layers

func apply_export_overrides ( ) ⇒ void

Method that is called to load the export overrides. This happens when the style is first introduced, but also when switching to a different style using the same scene!

func get_global_setting ( setting: StringName, default: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

Returns a setting on this base. This is useful so that layers can share settings like base_color, etc.