Dialogic Nodes

Dialogic Nodes are custom nodes provided by Dialogic that handle the presentation of your timelines in your game.

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1. Introduction

Usually, this means Dialogic will add a layout scene made of DialogicNodes. This is what happens if you call Dialogic.start() and can be set in the Style editor. It is also possible to integrate DialogicNodes into your existing UI.

This topic is closely related to Styles and Layouts, so take a look at that page if you haven't done so yet.

You can find all Dialogic nodes in our Node Class Reference Index.

2. What is a Dialogic Node?

Many events have nodes that you need if you want them to actually affect the game:

  • Text event: DialogText, NameLabel, NextIndicator, TypingSound

  • Character event: PortraitContainer

  • Choice event: ChoiceButton, ChoiceSound

  • Background event: Background

  • Text Input event: TextInput

If you want to find all Dialogic nodes, check out the Node Class Reference Index.

Here are some things to know about Dialogic nodes:

  • Dialogic Nodes provide very different functionality. Hence, they have very different properties. Learn more about each Dialogic Node by adding it to your scene and taking a look at the inspector.

  • Some Dialogic Nodes use settings from the dialogic settings page.   A general rule-of-thumb is that settings that should be the same for all instances of a Dialogic node are usually a Dialogic setting, while things that might change from node to node are properties.

3. Using Dialogic nodes

You can add these nodes with the usual Add Node window.

It's not relevant where they are placed in the tree, as they will be recognized by the group they are automatically added to.

Some Dialogic nodes require a special setup. For example, the TypingSound node expects to be the child of a DialogText node.