
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicCharacterEvent.


Inherits: DialogicEvent





const JOIN = 0

No description available.

const LEAVE = 1

No description available.

const UPDATE = 2

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var action = 0

The type of action of this event (JOIN/LEAVE/UPDATE). See .

var animation_length = 0.5

Length of the animation.

var animation_name = ""

Name of the animation script (extending DialogicAnimation). On Join/Leave empty (default) will fallback to the animations set in the settings. On Update empty will mean no animation.

var animation_repeats = 1

How often the animation is repeated. Only for Update events.

var animation_wait = false

If true, the events waits for the animation to finish before the next event starts.

var character = null

The character that will join/leave/update.

var character_identifier

Used to set the character resource from the unique name identifier and vice versa

var extra_data = ""

If set, will be passed to the portrait scene.

var mirrored = false

If true, the portrait will be set to mirrored.

var portrait = ""

For Join/Update, this will be the portrait of the character that is shown. Not used on Leave. If empty, the default portrait will be used.

var position = 1

The index of the position this character should move to

var position_move_time = 0.0

For Update only. If bigger then 0, the portrait will tween to the new position (if changed) in this time (in seconds).

var regex =

No description available.

var set_mirrored = false

No description available.

var set_portrait = false

Indicators for whether something should be updated (UPDATE mode only)

var set_position = false

No description available.

var set_z_index = false

No description available.

var z_index = 0

The z_index that the portrait should have.

Method Descriptions

func build_event_editor ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func from_text ( string: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_animation_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_character_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_portrait_suggestions ( search_text: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_shortcode_parameters ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

this is only here to provide a list of default values this way the module manager can add custom default overrides to this event. this is also why some properties are commented out, because it's not recommended to overwrite them this way

func has_no_portraits ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func is_valid_event ( string: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func should_show_animation_options ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func should_show_portrait_selector ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func to_text ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.