
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicNode_PortraitContainer.


Inherits: Control

Node that defines a position for dialogic portraits and how to display portrait at that position.



Rect2get_local_portrait_transform ( portrait_rect: Rect2, character_scale: float = 1.0 )
voidupdate_portrait_transforms ( )


const POSITION = 0

No description available.

const SPEAKER = 1

No description available.

const KEEP = 0

No description available.

const FIT_STRETCH = 1

No description available.


No description available.


No description available.

const TOP_LEFT = 0

No description available.

const TOP_CENTER = 1

No description available.

const TOP_RIGHT = 2

No description available.

const LEFT_MIDDLE = 3

No description available.

const CENTER = 4

No description available.

const RIGHT_MIDDLE = 5

No description available.

const BOTTOM_LEFT = 6

No description available.


No description available.

const BOTTOM_RIGHT = 8

No description available.

Property Descriptions

var debug_character = null

A character that will be displayed in the editor, useful for getting the right size.

var debug_character_holder_node = null

No description available.

var debug_character_portrait = ""

No description available.

var debug_character_scene_node = null

No description available.

var debug_origin = null

No description available.

var default_debug_character =

No description available.

var default_portrait_scene =

No description available.

var mirrored = false

If true, portraits will be mirrored in this position.

var mode = 0

No description available.

var origin_anchor = 7

The portrait will be placed relative to this point in the container.

var origin_offset = Vector2(0, 0)

An offset to apply to the origin. Rarely useful.

var portrait_prefix = ""

Can be used to use a different portrait. E.g. "Faces/" would mean instead of "happy" it will use portrait "Faces/happy"

var position_index = 0

The position this node corresponds to.

var size_mode = 3

Defines how to affect the scale of the portrait

Method Descriptions

func get_local_portrait_transform ( portrait_rect: Rect2, character_scale: float = 1.0 ) ⇒ Rect2

Returns a Rect2 with the position as the position and the scale as the size.

func update_portrait_transforms ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.