
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicStyle.


Inherits: Resource

A style represents a collection of layers and settings. A style can inherit from another style.



voidadd_layer ( scene: String, overrides: Dictionary = <unknown> )
DialogicStyleclone ( )
voiddelete_layer ( layer_index: int )
PackedSceneget_base_scene ( )
DialogicStyleget_inheritance_root ( )
intget_layer_count ( )
Dictionaryget_layer_info ( index: int )
Dictionaryget_layer_inherited_info ( index: int, inherited_only: bool = false )
PackedStringArrayget_layer_list ( )
boolhas_layer ( index: int )
boolinherits_anything ( )
Dictionarymerge_layer_infos ( layer_a: Dictionary, layer_b: Dictionary )
voidmove_layer ( from_index: int, to_index: int )
voidprepare ( )
voidrealize_inheritance ( )
voidremove_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String )
voidset_layer_scene ( layer_index: int, scene: String )
voidset_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String, value: Variant )

Property Descriptions

var base_overrides =

No description available.

var base_scene = null

No description available.

var inherits = null

No description available.

var layers =

No description available.

var name = "Style"

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func add_layer ( scene: String, overrides: Dictionary = <unknown> ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func clone ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func delete_layer ( layer_index: int ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_base_scene ( ) ⇒ PackedScene

This always returns the inheritance root's scene!

func get_inheritance_root ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func get_layer_count ( ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func get_layer_info ( index: int ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_layer_inherited_info ( index: int, inherited_only: bool = false ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_layer_list ( ) ⇒ PackedStringArray

This always returns the full inherited roots layers!

func has_layer ( index: int ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func inherits_anything ( ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func merge_layer_infos ( layer_a: Dictionary, layer_b: Dictionary ) ⇒ Dictionary

This merges two layers (mainly their overrides). Layer a has priority!

func move_layer ( from_index: int, to_index: int ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func prepare ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func realize_inheritance ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func remove_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_layer_scene ( layer_index: int, scene: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func set_layer_setting ( layer: int, setting: String, value: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.