
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicResourceUtil.


Inherits: RefCounted




Property Descriptions

var label_cache = {}

No description available.

var event_cache = []

No description available.

var special_resources = {}

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func update ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_directory ( extension: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func set_directory ( extension: String, directory: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func update_directory ( extension: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func add_resource_to_directory ( file_path: String, directory: Dictionary ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_unique_identifier ( file_path: String ) ⇒ String

Returns the unique identifier for the given resource path. Returns an empty string if no identifier was found.

func get_resource_from_identifier ( identifier: String, extension: String ) ⇒ Resource

Returns the resource associated with the given unique identifier. The expected extension is needed to use the right directory.

func change_unique_identifier ( file_path: String, new_identifier: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func change_resource_path ( old_path: String, new_path: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func remove_resource ( file_path: String ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func is_identifier_unused ( extension: String, identifier: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func get_label_cache ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func set_label_cache ( cache: Dictionary ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func update_label_cache ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func get_event_cache ( ) ⇒ Array

Dialogic keeps a list that has each event once. This allows retrieval of that list.

func update_event_cache ( ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func update_special_resources ( ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func list_special_resources ( type: String, filter: Dictionary = {} ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func match_resource_filter ( dict: Dictionary, filter: Dictionary ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func guess_special_resource ( type: String, string: String, default: Dictionary = {}, filter: Dictionary = {}, ignores: PackedStringArray = [] ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_character_directory ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_timeline_directory ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_timeline_resource ( timeline_identifier: String ) ⇒ DialogicTimeline

No description available.

func get_character_resource ( character_identifier: String ) ⇒ DialogicCharacter

No description available.

func list_resources_of_type ( extension: String ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func scan_folder ( path: String, extension: String ) ⇒ Array

No description available.