
This contains the source code documentation of the class DialogicUtil.


Inherits: RefCounted

Script that container helper methods for both editor and game execution. Used whenever the same thing is needed in different parts of the plugin.


voidapply_scene_export_overrides ( node: Node, export_overrides: Dictionary, apply: bool = true )
DialogicGameHandlerautoload ( )
Colorget_color ( value: String )
Dictionaryget_color_palette ( default: bool = false )
Dictionaryget_custom_event_defaults ( event_name: String )
PackedSceneget_default_layout_base ( )
DialogicStyleget_default_style ( )
Dictionaryget_default_variables ( )
Nodeget_dialogic_plugin ( )
floatget_editor_scale ( )
Variantget_editor_setting ( setting: String, default: Variant = null )
DialogicStyleget_fallback_style ( )
DialogicIndexer[]get_indexers ( include_custom: bool = true, force_reload: bool = false )
Stringget_module_path ( name: String, builtin: bool = true )
Stringget_next_translation_id ( )
Arrayget_portrait_animation_scripts ( type: int = 0, include_custom: bool = true )
Dictionaryget_scene_export_defaults ( node: Node )
DialogicStyleget_style_by_name ( name: String )
intget_variable_type ( path: String, dict: Dictionary = <unknown> )
intget_variable_value_type ( value: Variant )
boolis_physics_timer ( )
Arraylist_variables ( dict: Dictionary, path: String = "", type: int = 0 )
Arraylistdir ( path: String, files_only: bool = true, throw_error: bool = true, full_file_path: bool = false, include_imports: bool = false )
Variantlogical_convert ( value: Variant )
Stringpretty_name ( script: String )
voidset_editor_setting ( setting: String, value: Variant )
Controlsetup_script_property_edit_node ( property_info: Dictionary, value: Variant, property_changed: Callable )
boolstr_to_bool ( boolstring: String )
Dictionarystr_to_hash_set ( source: String )
voidupdate_timer_process_callback ( timer: Timer )


const ALL = 0

No description available.

const IN = 1

No description available.

const OUT = 2

No description available.

const ACTION = 3

No description available.

const ANY = 0

No description available.

const STRING = 1

No description available.

const FLOAT = 2

No description available.

const INT = 3

No description available.

const BOOL = 4

No description available.

Method Descriptions

func apply_scene_export_overrides ( node: Node, export_overrides: Dictionary, apply: bool = true ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func autoload ( ) ⇒ DialogicGameHandler

Returns the autoload when in-game.

func get_color ( value: String ) ⇒ Color

No description available.

func get_color_palette ( default: bool = false ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_custom_event_defaults ( event_name: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_default_layout_base ( ) ⇒ PackedScene

No description available.

func get_default_style ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func get_default_variables ( ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_dialogic_plugin ( ) ⇒ Node

Although this does in fact always return a EditorPlugin node, that class is apparently not present in export and referencing it here creates a crash.

func get_editor_scale ( ) ⇒ float


func get_editor_setting ( setting: String, default: Variant = null ) ⇒ Variant

No description available.

func get_fallback_style ( ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func get_indexers ( include_custom: bool = true, force_reload: bool = false ) ⇒ DialogicIndexer[]

No description available.

func get_module_path ( name: String, builtin: bool = true ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_next_translation_id ( ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func get_portrait_animation_scripts ( type: int = 0, include_custom: bool = true ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func get_scene_export_defaults ( node: Node ) ⇒ Dictionary

No description available.

func get_style_by_name ( name: String ) ⇒ DialogicStyle

No description available.

func get_variable_type ( path: String, dict: Dictionary = <unknown> ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func get_variable_value_type ( value: Variant ) ⇒ int

No description available.

func is_physics_timer ( ) ⇒ bool


func list_variables ( dict: Dictionary, path: String = "", type: int = 0 ) ⇒ Array

No description available.

func listdir ( path: String, files_only: bool = true, throw_error: bool = true, full_file_path: bool = false, include_imports: bool = false ) ⇒ Array


func logical_convert ( value: Variant ) ⇒ Variant

No description available.

func pretty_name ( script: String ) ⇒ String

No description available.

func set_editor_setting ( setting: String, value: Variant ) ⇒ void

No description available.

func setup_script_property_edit_node ( property_info: Dictionary, value: Variant, property_changed: Callable ) ⇒ Control

No description available.

func str_to_bool ( boolstring: String ) ⇒ bool

No description available.

func str_to_hash_set ( source: String ) ⇒ Dictionary

Takes source and builds a dictionary of keys only. The values are null.

func update_timer_process_callback ( timer: Timer ) ⇒ void

No description available.