Introduction to Dialogic 2


This documentation is for Dialogic 2.

Dialogic 2 is still in-development and marked as Alpha, there may be workflow breakage!

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What is Dialogic 2?

The Dialogic plugin allows you to easily create in-game dialogs or fully fledged Visual Novels with Godot.

Let's get an overview of what Dialogic 2 can do for you!

1. Timelines!

They control the flow of your story. They can be edited in a writer-friendly Visual Editor or your editor of choice.

Dialogic 2: Timeline in Visual Mode

If you prefer to write your timelines as pure text, you can do that too! Dialogic even has a powerful text editor with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. You can use any text editor, though. Here is the same timeline in text format:

join juliet 1
juliet: Oh Romeo, what's your favourite game type?
join romeo 2
romeo: Oh Juliet, it's simple...
- Visual Novels
    jump VNs
    jump other_timeline

No threads attached; you can mix and match as you please!

2. Events

Each timeline contains events, and Dialogic equips you with many built-in ones to get your story started today! And when you reach their limit, you can easily create more.

Dialogic 2: Built-In Timeline Events

3. Customization by design

Cannot find the right Event? Need more options for your character portraits? You want to simplify how your designer can adjust the theme of your game?

It's all here and ready for you. Dialogic 2 is easy to use for writers and powerful but intuitive to extend for programmers.

Create your own specific Events with very little code, and your designers can instantly use them as if they were part of Dialogic.

4. Character system and editor

An entire system to create and manage your characters, with a built-in editor inside Dialogic. No need to program anything; just create your characters and use them in your timelines.

There is more!

We are just scratching the surface of what's possible.
Here is a small list of other things you can do:

How do I get started?

First, let's get Dialogic up and running! After this step, the numerous pages on the left-side navigation bar will aid you with your dialog-driven game adventure!

Need further details? Try the search or open an issue on the GitHub repository!

Can I upgrade from Dialogic 1 to Dialogic 2?

There are several problems to overcome when upgrading from Dialogic 1.

First, Dialogic 1 is exclusively for Godot 3, while Dialogic 2 requires Godot 4.1 or higher. Hence, your project must work in Godot 4.1, it's a very different engine with plenty of changes.

If you have already made a lot of progress in your game, there is no reason to upgrade. We recommend you stick to Godot 3 and Dialogic 1.